Le Guide de l’Utilisateur
Manuale d’uso
Guia del Usuario
Guida dell’Utente
Руководство пользователя
Printed in U.S.A 27A22352 (Rev. 2)
13. Durante i temporali o in caso di inutilizzo prolungato dell'apparecchio, SCOLLEGATELO
dalla presa di corrente.
14. Per qualsiasi intervento, RIVOLGETEVI a personale di assistenza qualificato. È neces-
sario intervenire sull'apparecchio ogniqualvolta è stato danneggiato, in qualsiasi modo;
ad esempio la spina o il cavo di alimentazione sono danneggiati, si è versato liquido
sull'apparecchio o sono caduti oggetti su di esso, l'apparecchio è stato esposto alla piog-
gia o all'umidità, non funziona normalmente o è caduto.
15. NON esponete l'apparecchio a sgocciolamenti o spruzzi. NON appoggiate
sull'apparecchio oggetti pieni di liquidi, ad esempio vasi da fiori.
16. La spina ELETTRICA o l'accoppiatore per elettrodomestici deve restare prontamente
17. Il rumore aereo dell'apparecchio non supera i 70 dB (A).
18. L'apparecchio appartenente alla CLASSE I deve essere collegato ad una presa elettrica
dotata di messa a terra di protezione.
19. Per ridurre il rischio di incendio o folgorazione, non esponete questo apparecchio alla
pioggia o all'umidità.
1. LEGGETE queste istruzioni.
3. OSSERVATE tutte le avvertenze.
4. SEGUITE tutte le istruzioni.
5. NON usate questo apparecchio vicino all'acqua.
6. PULITE l'apparecchio SOLO con un panno asciutto.
7. NON ostruite alcuna apertura per l'aria di raffreddamento. Consentite distanze sufficienti
per un'adeguata ventilazione e installate l'apparecchio seguendo le istruzioni del costrut-
8. NON installate l'apparecchio accanto a fonti di calore, quali fiamme libere, radiatori, aper-
ture per l'efflusso di aria calda, forni o altri apparecchi (amplificatori inclusi) che generano
calore. Non esponete il prodotto a fonti di calore non controllate.
9. NON modificate la spina polarizzata o con spinotto di protezione per non alterarne
la funzione di sicurezza. Una spina polarizzata è dotata di due lame, una più ampia
dell'altra. Una spina con spinotto è dotata di due lame e di un terzo polo di messa a terra.
La lama più ampia ed il terzo polo hanno lo scopo di tutelare la vostra incolumità. Se la
spina in dotazione non si adatta alla presa di corrente, rivolgetevi ad un elettricista per far
eseguire le modifiche necessarie.
20. Non tentate di modificare il prodotto. Tale operazione può causare infortuni e/o il guasto
del prodotto stesso.
21. Utilizzate questo prodotto entro la gamma di temperatura operativa specificata.
10. EVITATE di calpestare il cavo di alimentazione o di comprimerlo, specie in corrispon-
denza di spine, prese di corrente e punto di uscita dall'apparecchio.
11. USATE ESCLUSIVAMENTE i dispositivi di collegamento e gli accessori
specificati dal costruttore.
12. USATE l'apparecchio solo con carrelli, sostegni, treppiedi, staffe o tavoli
specificati dal produttore o venduti unitamente all'apparecchio stesso. Se us-
ate un carrello, fate attenzione quando lo spostate con l'apparecchio collocato
su di esso, per evitare infortuni causati da un eventuale ribaltamento del carrello stesso.
Questo simbolo indica la presenza di alta tensione all'interno
dell'apparecchio, che comporta il rischio di folgorazione.
Questo simbolo indica la presenza di istruzioni importanti per l'uso e la
manutenzione nella documentazione in dotazione all'apparecchio.
13. HAAL de stekker van dit apparaat uit de contactdoos tijdens onweer/bliksem of wanneer
het lange tijd niet wordt gebruikt.
14. Laat onderhoud altijd UITVOEREN door bevoegd servicepersoneel. Onderhoud moet
worden uitgevoerd wanneer het apparaat op enigerlei wijze is beschadigd, bijvoorbeeld
beschadiging van netsnoer of stekker, vloeistof of voorwerpen in het apparaat zijn
terechtgekomen, het apparaat is blootgesteld aan regen of vocht, niet naar behoren werkt
of is gevallen.
15. STEL het apparaat NIET bloot aan druppelend en rondspattend vocht. PLAATS GEEN
voorwerpen gevuld met vloeistof, bijvoorbeeld een vaas, op het apparaat.
16. De NETSTEKKER of een koppelstuk van het apparaat moet klaar voor gebruik zijn.
17. Het door het apparaat verspreide geluid mag niet meer zijn dan 70 dB(A).
18. Apparaten van een KLASSE I-constructie moeten worden aangesloten op een
WANDCONTACTDOOS met beschermende aardaansluiting.
1. LEES deze instructies.
2. BEWAAR deze instructies.
3. NEEM alle waarschuwingen in acht.
4. VOLG alle instructies op.
5. GEBRUIK dit apparaat NIET in de buurt van water.
6. REINIG UITSLUITEND met een droge doek.
7. DICHT GEEN ventilatieopeningen AF. Zorg dat er voldoende afstand wordt gehouden
voor adequate ventilatie. Installeer het product volgens de instructies van de fabrikant.
8. Plaats het apparaat NIET in de buurt van warmtebronnen, zoals vuur, radiatoren,
warmteroosters, kachels of andere apparaten (waaronder versterkers) die warmte
genereren. Plaats geen vuurbronnen in de buurt van het product.
9. Zorg ervoor dat de beveiliging van de gepolariseerde stekker of randaardestekker
INTACT blijft. Een gepolariseerde stekker heeft twee pennen waarbij er één breder is
dan de andere. Een randaardestekker heeft twee pennen en een extra aardaansluiting.
De breedste pen en de aardaansluiting zijn bedoeld om uw veiligheid te garanderen. Als
de meegeleverde stekker niet in de contactdoos past, vraag een elektricien dan om de
verouderde contactdoos te vervangen.
19. Stel dit apparaat niet bloot aan regen of vocht om het risico op brand of elektrische
schokken te verminderen.
20. Probeer dit product niet te wijzigen. Anders kan lichamelijk letsel optreden en/of het
product defect raken.
21. Gebruik dit product binnen de gespecificeerde bedrijfstemperaturen.
10. BESCHERM het netsnoer tegen erop lopen of afknelling, vooral in de buurt van stekkers
en uitgangen en op de plaats waar deze het apparaat verlaten.
11. GEBRUIK UITSLUITEND door de fabrikant gespecificeerde hulpstukken/accessoires.
12. GEBRUIK het apparaat UITSLUITEND in combinatie met een door de
fabrikant gespecificeerde wagen, standaard, driepoot, beugel of tafel of
met een meegeleverde ondersteuning. Wees bij gebruik van een wagen
voorzichtig tijdens verplaatsingen van de wagen/apparaat-combinatie om
letsel door omkantelen te voorkomen.
Dit symbool geeft aan dat in deze eenheid een gevaarlijk spanning aan-
wezig is met het risico op een elektrische schok.
Dit symbool geeft aan dat in de documentatie bij deze eenheid belangri-
jke bedienings- en onderhoudsinstructies zijn opgenomen.
13. ОТСОЕДИНЯЙТЕ прибор ОТ СЕТИ во время грозы или если он не используется
длительное время.
14. ПОРУЧИТЕ все обслуживание квалифицированному техническому персоналу.
Обслуживание требуется при каком-либо повреждении прибора, например, при
повреждении шнура питания или вилки, если на прибор была пролита жидкость или
на него упал какой-либо предмет, если прибор подвергся воздействию дождя или
сырости, не функционирует нормально или если он падал.
15. НЕ допускайте попадания на прибор капель или брызг. НЕ ставьте на прибор сосуды
с жидкостью, например, вазы.
16. Вилка электропитания или штепсель прибора должны быть легко доступны.
17. Уровень воздушного шума этого аппарата не превышает 70 дБ (A).
18. Аппараты конструкции КЛАССА I необходимо подсоединять к СЕТЕВОЙ розетке с
защитным соединением для заземления.
1. ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ эти инструкции.
2. СОХРАНИТЕ эти инструкции.
3. ОБРАЩАЙТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ на все предупреждения.
4. СЛЕДУЙТЕ всем инструкциям.
5. НЕ пользуйтесь этим прибором вблизи воды.
6. ЧИСТИТЕ ТОЛЬКО сухой тканью.
7. НЕ закрывайте никакие вентиляционные отверстия. Оставляйте расстояния, нужные
для достаточной вентиляции, и выполняйте установку в соответствии с инструкциями
8. НЕ устанавливайте вблизи каких бы то ни было источников тепла — открытого
пламени, радиаторов, обогревателей, печей или других приборов (включая усилители),
выделяющих тепло. Не помещайте на изделие источники открытого пламени.
9. НЕ пренебрегайте защитными свойствами поляризованной или заземляющей вилки.
Поляризованная вилка имеет два ножевых контакта, из которых один шире другого.
Заземляющая вилка имеет два ножевых контакта и третий, заземляющий, штырь.
Более широкий контакт или третий штырь предусматриваются для безопасности. Если
вилка прибора не подходит к вашей розетке, обратитесь к электрику для замены
розетки устаревшей конструкции.
10. ЗАЩИТИТЕ силовой шнур, чтобы на него не наступали и чтобы он не был пережат,
особенно в местах подсоединения к вилкам, розеткам и в месте выхода из прибора.
11. ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ ТОЛЬКО те принадлежности и приспособления, которые
предусмотрены изготовителем.
19. Чтобы уменьшить риск возгорания или поражения электрическим током, не
допускайте попадания на этот аппарат дождя или влаги.
20. Не пытайтесь вносить изменения в это изделие. Это может привести к травме и (или)
выходу изделия из строя.
21. Эксплуатируйте это изделие в указанном диапазоне рабочих температур.
Этот знак показывает, что внутри прибора имеется опасное
напряжение, создающее риск электрического удара.
Этот знак показывает, что в сопроводительной документации
к прибору есть важные указания по его эксплуатации и
12. ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ только с тележкой, стендом, штативом, кронштейном или
столом, которые предусмотрены изготовителем или наглухо прикреплены к
прибору. При использовании тележки будьте осторожны, когда передвигаете
тележку вместе с прибором — переворачивание может привести к травме.
13. DESENCHUFE el aparato durante las tormentas eléctricas, o si no va a ser utilizado por
un lapso prolongado.
14. TODA reparación debe ser llevada a cabo por técnicos calificados. El aparato requiere
reparación si ha sufrido cualquier tipo de daño, incluyendo los daños al cordón o enchufe
eléctrico, si se derrama líquido sobre el aparato o si caen objetos en su interior, si ha sido
expuesto a la lluvia o la humedad, si no funciona de modo normal, o si se ha caído.
15. NO exponga este aparato a chorros o salpicaduras de líquidos. NO coloque objetos
llenos con líquido, tales como floreros, sobre el aparato.
16. El enchufe de alimentación o un acoplador para otros aparatos deberá permanecer en
buenas condiciones de funcionamiento.
17. El nivel de ruido transmitido por el aire del aparato no excede de 70 dB(A).
18. Los aparatos de fabricación CLASE I deberán conectarse a un tomacorriente de ALI-
MENTACION con clavija de puesta a tierra protectora.
19. Para reducir el riesgo de causar un incendio o sacudidas eléctricas, no exponga este
aparato a la lluvia ni a humedad.
20. No intente modificar este producto. Hacerlo podría causar lesiones personales y/o la falla
del producto.
21. Utilice este producto únicamente dentro de la gama de temperaturas de funcionamiento
1. LEA estas instrucciones.
2. CONSERVE estas instrucciones.
3. PRESTE ATENCION a todas las advertencias.
4. SIGA todas las instrucciones.
5. NO utilice este aparato cerca del agua.
6. LIMPIE UNICAMENTE con un trapo seco.
7. NO obstruya ninguna de las aberturas de ventilación. Deje espacio suficiente para
proporcionar ventilación adecuada e instale los equipos según las instrucciones del
8. NO instale el aparato cerca de fuentes de calor tales como llamas descubiertas, radiad-
ores, registros de calefacción, estufas u otros aparatos (incluyendo amplificadores) que
produzcan calor. No coloque artículos con llamas descubiertas en el producto.
9. NO anule la función de seguridad del enchufe polarizado o con clavija de puesta a tierra.
Un enchufe polarizado tiene dos patas, una más ancha que la otra. Un enchufe con pu-
esta a tierra tiene dos patas y una tercera clavija con puesta a tierra. La pata más ancha
o la tercera clavija se proporciona para su seguridad. Si el tomacorriente no es del tipo
apropiado para el enchufe, consulte a un electricista para que sustituya el tomacorriente
de estilo anticuado.
10. PROTEJA el cable eléctrico para evitar que personas lo pisen o estrujen, particularmente
en sus enchufes, en los tomacorrientes y en el punto en el cual sale del aparato.
11. UTILICE únicamente los accesorios especificados por el fabricante.
12. UTILICE únicamente con un carro, pedestal, trípode, escuadra o mesa del
tipo especificado por el fabricante o vendido con el aparato. Si se usa un
carro, el mismo debe moverse con sumo cuidado para evitar que se vuelque
con el aparato.
Este símbolo indica que la unidad contiene niveles de voltaje peligrosos
que representan un riesgo de choques eléctricos.
Este símbolo indica que la literatura que acompaña a esta unidad con-
tiene instrucciones importantes de funcionamiento y mantenimiento.
• Battery packs may explode or release toxic materials. Risk of fire
or burns. Do not open, crush, modify, disassemble, heat above
140°F (60°C), or incinerate.
• Les accus risquent d'exploser ou d'émettre des matières toxiques.
Risque d'incendie ou de brûlures. Ne pas ouvrir, écraser, altérer,
démonter, chauffer au-dessus de 60 °C (140 °F) ou incinérer.
• Follow instructions from manufacturer
• Suivre les instructions du fabricant
• Only use Shure charger to recharge Shure rechargeable
• Utiliser uniquement un chargeur Shure pour recharger les accus
rechargeables Shure
• WARNING: Danger of explosion if battery incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with same or equivalent type.
• AVERTISSEMENT : Danger d'explosion si l'accu est mal placé.
Remplacer uniquement avec le même type ou un type équivalent.
• Never put batteries in mouth. If swallowed, contact your
physician or local poison control center
• Ne jamais mettre les accus dans la bouche. En cas d'ingestion,
contacter un médecin ou le centre anti-poison local
• Do not short circuit; may cause burns or catch fire
• Ne pas court-circuiter ; cela risque de causer des brûlures ou un
• Do not charge or use battery packs other than Shure
rechargeable batteries
• Ne pas charger ou utiliser des accus autres que les accus
rechargeables Shure
• Dispose of battery packs properly. Check with local vendor for
proper disposal of used battery packs.
• Mettre les accus au rebut de manière appropriée. Vérifier auprès
du fournisseur local la manière appropriée de mettre au rebut les
accus usagés.
• Batteries (battery pack or batteries installed) shall not be
exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like
• Les accus (bloc accu ou accus installés) ne doivent pas être
exposés à une chaleur excessive, p. ex. lumière du soleil, feu ou
WARNING: Danger of explosion if battery incorrectly replaced.
Operate only with Shure compatible batteries.
Note: Use only with the included power supply or a Shure-
approved equivalent.
AVERTISSEMENT : Danger d'explosion si l'accu est mal placé.
N'utiliser qu'avec des accus compatibles Shure.
Remarque : Utiliser exclusivement avec le bloc d'alimentation inclus
Licensing: A ministerial license to operate this equipment may
be required in certain areas. Consult your national authority for
possible requirements. Changes or modifications not expressly
approved by Shure Incorporated could void your authority to
operate the equipment. Licensing of Shure wireless microphone
equipment is the user’s responsibility, and licensability depends
on the user’s classification and application, and on the selected
frequency. Shure strongly urges the user to contact the appropriate
telecommunications authority concerning proper licensing, and
before choosing and ordering frequencies.
ou un produit équivalent approuvé par Shure.
Autorisation d'utilisation : Une licence officielle d'utilisation de ce
matériel peut être requise dans certains pays. Consulter les autorités
compétentes pour les exigences éventuelles. Tout changement ou
modification n'ayant pas fait l'objet d'une autorisation expresse de
Shure Incorporated peut entraîner la nullité du droit d'utilisation de
l'équipement. La licence d’utilisation de l'équipement de microphone
sans fil Shure demeure de la responsabilité de l'utilisateur, et
dépend de la classification de l'utilisateur et de l'application prévue
par lui ainsi que de la fréquence sélectionnée. Shure recommande
vivement de se mettre en rapport avec les autorités compétentes des
télécommunications pour l'obtention des autorisations nécessaires,
et ce avant de choisir et de commander des fréquences.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
Caution: Avoid operating mobile phones and mobile broadband
devices near your wireless system to prevent the possibility of
Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme à la norme ICES-
003 (Canada). Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à
la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Information to the user
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Attention : éviter d’utiliser des téléphones portables et appareils
mobiles large bande près du système sans fil pour prévenir tout
risque d’interférences.
Information à l'utilisateur
Cet équipement a été testé et déclaré conforme aux limites pour
les appareils numériques de classe B, selon la section 15 des
règlements de la FCC. Ces limites sont destinées à assurer une
protection raisonnable contre les interférences nuisibles dans une
installation résidentielle. Cet équipement produit, utilise et peut
émettre de l'énergie radio électrique et, s'il n'est pas installé et
utilisé conformément aux présentes instructions, peut causer des
interférences nuisibles aux communications radio. Il n'existe toutefois
aucune garantie que de telles interférences ne se produiront pas
dans une installation particulière. Si cet équipement produit des
interférences nuisibles à la réception d'émissions de radio ou de
télévision, ce qui peut être établi en mettant l'appareil sous, puis hors
tension, il est recommandé à l'utilisateur d'essayer de corriger le
problème en prenant l'une ou plusieurs des mesures suivantes :
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
• Réorienter ou déplacer l'antenne réceptrice.
• Augmenter la distance séparant l'équipement du récepteur.
Australia Warning for Wireless
• Brancher l'équipement sur un circuit électrique différent de celui
du récepteur.
This device operates under an ACMA class licence and must
comply with all the conditions of that licence including operating
frequencies. Before 31 December 2014, this device will comply if it
is operated in the 520-820 MHz frequency band. WARNING: After
31 December 2014, in order to comply, this device must not be
operated in the 694-820 MHz band.
• Consulter le distributeur ou un technicien radio et télévision.
Avertissement Australie pour le sans fil
Cet appareil fonctionne sur la base d’une licence de l’ACMA et
doit respecter toutes les conditions de cette licence, y compris les
fréquences de fonctionnement. D’ici au 31 décembre 2014, cet
appareil les respecte s’il fonctionne dans la bande de fréquences
520-820 MHz. AVERTISSEMENT : pour les respecter après le
31 décembre 2014, cet appareil devra fonctionner dans la bande
694-820 MHz.
• Akkusätze können explodieren oder giftiges Material freisetzen.
Es besteht Feuer- und Verbrennungsgefahr. Nicht öffnen,
zusammenpressen, modifizieren, auseinander bauen, über 60 °C
erhitzen oder verbrennen.
• Los conjuntos de baterías pueden estallar o soltar materiales
tóxicos. Riesgo de incendio o quemaduras. No abra, triture,
modifique, desarme, caliente a más de 60°C (140°F) ni incinere
• Siga las instrucciones del fabricante
• Die Anweisungen des Herstellers befolgen.
• Utilice únicamente el cargador Shure para cargar las baterías
recargables Shure.
• Nur Shure-Ladegerät zum Aufladen von wiederaufladbaren Shure-
Akkus verwenden.
• ADVERTENCIA: Si se sustituye la batería incorrectamente, se
crea el riesgo de causar una explosión. Sustitúyala únicamente
por otra igual o de tipo equivalente.
• ACHTUNG: Es besteht Explosionsgefahr, wenn die Batterie nicht richtig
ersetzt wird. Nur mit dem gleichen bzw. einem gleichwertigen Typ
• Nunca ponga baterías en la boca. Si se tragan, acuda al médico
o a un centro local de control de envenenamiento
• Akkus niemals in den Mund nehmen. Bei Verschlucken ärztlichen Rat
einholen oder die Giftnotrufzentrale anrufen.
• No ponga en cortocircuito; esto puede causar quemaduras o
• Nicht kurzschließen; kann Verbrennungen verursachen oder in Brand
• No cargue ni utilice baterías diferentes de las baterías
recargables Shure.
• Keine anderen Akkusätze als die wiederaufladbaren Shure-Akkus
aufladen bzw. verwenden.
• Deseche los conjuntos de baterías de forma apropiada.
Consulte al vendedor local para el desecho adecuado de
conjuntos de baterías usados.
• Akkusätze vorschriftsmäßig entsorgen. Beim örtlichen Verkäufer die
vorschriftsmäßige Entsorgung gebrauchter Akkusätze erfragen.
• Akkus (Akkusätze oder eingesetzte Akkus) dürfen keiner starken Hitze
wie Sonnenstrahlung, Feuer oder dergleichen ausgesetzt werden.
• Las baterías (conjuntos de baterías o baterías instaladas) no
deben exponerse al calor excesivo causado por la luz del sol,
las llamas o condiciones similares.
ACHTUNG: Es besteht Explosionsgefahr, wenn die Batterie nicht richtig
ersetzt wird. Nur mit kompatiblen Shure-Batterien betreiben.
ADVERTENCIA: Si se sustituye la batería incorrectamente, se
crea el riesgo de causar una explosión. Funciona sólo con baterías
compatibles con dispositivos Shure.
Hinweis: Das Gerät darf nur mit dem im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Netzteil
oder einem gleichwertigen, von Shure zugelassenen Gerät verwendet
Nota: Use sólo con la fuente de alimentación incluida o una
equivalente aprobada por Shure.
Zulassung: In einigen Gebieten ist für den Betrieb dieses Geräts
u. U. eine behördliche Zulassung erforderlich. Wenden Sie sich
bitte an die zuständige Behörde, um Informationen über etwaige
Anforderungen zu erhalten. Nicht ausdrücklich von Shure Incorporated
genehmigte Änderungen oder Modifikationen können den Entzug der
Betriebsgenehmigung für das Gerät zur Folge haben. Das Erlangen einer
Lizenz für drahtlose Shure-Mikrofonsysteme obliegt dem Benutzer. Die
Erteilung einer Lizenz hängt von der Klassifizierung und Anwendung
durch den Benutzer sowie von der ausgewählten Frequenz ab. Shure
empfiehlt dem Benutzer dringend, sich vor der Auswahl und Bestellung
von Frequenzen mit der zuständigen Fernmelde-/Regulierungsbehörde
hinsichtlich der ordnungsgemäßen Zulassung in Verbindung zu setzen.
Licencia de uso: Se puede requerir una licencia ministerial para
utilizar este equipo en algunas áreas. Consulte a la autoridad
nacional para posibles requisitos. Los cambios o modificaciones
que no tengan la aprobación expresa de Shure Incorporated
podrían anular su autoridad para usar el equipo. La obtención
de licencias para los equipos de micrófonos inalámbricos Shure
es responsabilidad del usuario, y la posibilidad de obtenerlas
depende de la clasificación del usuario y el uso que va a hacer del
equipo, así como de la frecuencia seleccionada. Shure recomienda
enfáticamente que el usuario se ponga en contacto con las
autoridades de telecomunicaciones correspondientes respecto a la
obtención de licencias antes de seleccionar y solicitar frecuencias.
Dieses digitale Gerät der Klasse B entspricht den kanadischen
Este aparato digital de categoría B cumple con la norma
canadiense ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est
conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Vorsicht: Keine Mobiltelefone und mobile Breitbandgeräte in der Nähe
des Funksystems verwenden, um Interferenzen zu verhindern.
Precaución: Evite usar teléfonos móviles y dispositivos de
banda ancha móviles cerca del sistema inalámbrico para evitar la
posibilidad de interferencias.
Informationen für den Benutzer
Dieses Gerät wurde geprüft und entspricht demnach den Grenzwerten
für ein digitales Gerät der Klasse B gemäß Teil 15 der Richtlinien der
US-Fernmeldebehörde (FCC Rules). Diese Grenzwerte sollen einen
angemessenen Schutz gegen störende Interferenzen in Wohngebieten
bieten. Dieses Gerät erzeugt und arbeitet mit HF-Energie und kann
diese ausstrahlen; wenn es nicht gemäß den Anweisungen installiert und
verwendet wird, kann es störende Interferenzen mit dem Funkverkehr
verursachen. Allerdings wird nicht gewährleistet, dass es bei einer
bestimmten Installation keine Interferenzen geben wird. Wenn dieses
Gerät störende Interferenzen beim Radio- und Fernsehempfang verursacht
(was durch Aus- und Anschalten des Geräts festgestellt werden kann),
wird dem Benutzer nahe gelegt, die Interferenz durch eines oder mehrere
der folgenden Verfahren zu beheben:
Información para el usuario
Este equipo ha sido probado y hallado en cumplimiento con los
límites establecidos para un dispositivo digital categoría B, según
la Parte 15 de las normas de la FCC. Estos límites han sido
diseñados para proporcionar una protección razonable contra las
interferencias perjudiciales en instalaciones residenciales. Este
equipo genera, utiliza y puede irradiar energía de radiofrecuencia
y, si no se instala y utiliza de acuerdo con las instrucciones, puede
causar interferencias perjudiciales a las comunicaciones de radio.
Sin embargo, no se garantiza que no ocurrirán interferencias en
una instalación particular. Si este equipo causara interferencias
perjudiciales a la recepción de radio o televisión, que se puede
determinar apagando y encendiendo el equipo, se recomienda
tratar de corregir la interferencia realizando una de las siguientes
• Die Empfangsantenne anders ausrichten oder anderswo platzieren.
• Den Abstand zwischen dem Gerät und dem Empfänger vergrößern.
• Das Gerät an eine Steckdose eines Netzkreises anschließen, der nicht
mit dem des Empfängers identisch ist.
• Cambie la orientación o la ubicación de la antena receptora.
• Aumente la distancia entre el equipo y el receptor.
• Den Händler oder einen erfahrenen Radio- und Fernsehtechniker zu
Rate ziehen.
• Conecte el equipo a un tomacorriente de un circuito diferente al
que está conectado el receptor.
Warnhinweis für Funkgeräte in Australien
• Consulte al concesionario o a un técnico de radio/TV con
experiencia para recibir ayuda.
Dieses Gerät unterliegt einer ACMA-Klassenlizenz und muss sämtliche
Bedingungen dieser Lizenz erfüllen, auch die der Sendefrequenzen. Vor
dem 31. Dezember 2014 erfüllt dieses Gerät die Bedingungen, wenn es
im Frequenzband von 520-820 MHz betrieben wird. ACHTUNG: Um die
Bedingungen nach dem 31. Dezember 2014 zu erfüllen, darf das Gerät
nicht im Frequenzband von 694-820 MHz betrieben werden.
Advertencia para sistemas inalámbricos en Australia
Este dispositivo funciona con una licencia de categoría ACMA y
debe satisfacer todas las condiciones de dicha licencia, incluyendo
las frecuencias de trabajo. Antes del 31 de diciembre de 2014,
este dispositivo cumple si se lo usa en la banda de 520-820 MHz.
ADVERTENCIA: Después del 31 de diciembre de 2014, para que
cumpla, este dispositivo no deberá ser utilizado en la banda de
694-820 MHz.
• Le pile possono esplodere o rilasciare sostanze tossiche.
Rischio di incendio o ustioni. Non aprite, schiacciate,
modificate, smontate, scaldate oltre i 60 °C né bruciate.
• Baterias podem explodir ou liberar materiais tóxicos. Risco
de incêndio ou queimaduras. Não abra, esmague, modifique,
desmonte, aqueça acima de 60 °C (140 °F) ou incinere.
• Seguite le istruzioni del produttore
• Siga as instruções do fabricante
• Per la ricarica delle pile ricaricabili utilizzate esclusivamente un
caricabatteria Shure
• Use somente carregador Shure para recarregar baterias Shure
• AVVERTENZA: pericolo di esplosione in caso di errato
posizionamento della pila. Sostituite la pila esclusivamente con
pile di tipo identico o equivalente.
• ATENÇÃO: Perigo de explosão se a bateria for substituída
incorretamente. Substitua somente pelo mesmo tipo ou por um
• Non mettete le pile in bocca. Se ingerite, rivolgetevi al medico o
al centro antiveleni locale.
• Nunca ponha baterias na boca. Se engolida, procure um
médico ou centro local de controle de veneno
• Non causate cortocircuiti, per evitare ustioni o incendi.
• Caricate e usate esclusivamente pile ricaricabili Shure.
• Não provoque curto-circuito; isto pode causar queimaduras ou
• Não carregue nem use baterias que não sejam baterias
recarregáveis Shure
• Smaltite le pile in modo appropriato. Per lo smaltimento
appropriato delle pile usate, rivolgetevi al fornitore locale.
• Descarte as baterias apropriadamente. Verifique com o
fornecedor local a forma correta de descarte de baterias
• Le pile (pile ricaricabili o installate) non devono essere esposte
a calore eccessivo (luce del sole diretta, fuoco o simili).
AVVERTENZA: pericolo di esplosione in caso di errato
posizionamento della pila. Da utilizzare esclusivamente con pile
compatibili Shure.
• Baterias (a embalagem ou as baterias instaladas) não devem
ser expostas a calor excessivo como luz do sol, fogo etc.
ATENÇÃO: Existe perigo de explosão caso a bateria seja
substituída incorretamente. Utilize apenas com baterias Shure
Nota: utilizzate unicamente con l'alimentatore in dotazione o con
uno equivalente autorizzato da Shure.
Concessione della licenza all'uso: per usare questo
Observação: Use somente com a fonte de alimentação inclusa
ou uma equivalente aprovada pela Shure.
apparecchio, in determinate aree può essere necessaria una
licenza ministeriale. Per i possibili requisiti, rivolgetevi alle
autorità competenti. Eventuali modifiche di qualsiasi tipo non
espressamente autorizzate dalla Shure Incorporated possono
annullare il permesso di utilizzo di questo apparecchio. Chi
usa l'apparecchio radiomicrofonico Shure ha la responsabilità
di procurarsi la licenza adatta al suo impiego; la concessione
di tale licenza dipende dalla classificazione dell'operatore,
dall'applicazione e dalla frequenza selezionata. La Shure
suggerisce vivamente di rivolgersi alle autorità competenti per
le telecomunicazioni riguardo alla concessione della licenza
adeguata, e prima di scegliere e ordinare frequenze.
Licença: Em determinados locais, pode ser necessário obter
uma autorização ministerial para operar este equipamento.
Consulte a sua autoridade nacional sobre possíveis requisitos.
Alterações ou modificações não expressamente aprovadas
pela Shure Incorporated podem anular a autorização do usuário
para a operação do equipamento. A licença do equipamento de
microfone sem fio da Shure é de responsabilidade do usuário e
a licença depende da classificação e aplicação do usuário e da
freqüência selecionada. A Shure recomenda enfaticamente ao
usuário contatar a devida autoridade de telecomunicações com
relação à devida licença antes de escolher e encomendar as
Questo apparato digitale di Classe B è conforme alle norme
canadesi ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est
conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Este aparelho digital Classe B está em conformidade com a
Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est
conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Attenzione: per evitare possibili interferenze, evitate l'utilizzo di
telefoni cellulari e dispositivi mobili a banda larga in prossimità del
sistema wireless.
Cuidado: Evite operar telefones celulares e dispositivos móveis
de banda larga perto de seu sistema sem fio para prevenir a
possibilidade de interferência.
Avviso per gli utenti
in base alle prove su di esso eseguite, si è determinata la
conformità ai limiti relativi ai dispositivi digitali di Classe B,
secondo la Parte 15 delle norme FCC. Tali limiti sono stati
concepiti per fornire una protezione adeguata da interferenze
pericolose in ambiente domestico. Questo apparecchio
genera, utilizza e può irradiare energia a radiofrequenza e, se
non installato ed utilizzato secondo le istruzioni, può causare
interferenze dannose per le comunicazioni radio. Tuttavia, non
esiste alcuna garanzia che, in una specifica installazione, non
si verificheranno interferenze. Se questo apparecchio causasse
interferenze dannose per la ricezione dei segnali radio o televisivi,
determinabili spegnendolo e riaccendendolo, si consiglia di tentare
di rimediare all'interferenza tramite uno o più dei seguenti metodi:
Informações para o usuário
Este equipamento foi testado e está de acordo com os limites
para um dispositivo digital Classe B, segundo a Parte 15 das
Normas do FCC. Estes limites foram projetados para fornecer
razoável proteção contra interferência prejudicial em uma
instalação residencial. Este equipamento gera, usa e pode
irradiar energia de radiofrequência e, se não for instalado e usado
conforme as instruções, pode causar interferência prejudicial
às comunicações de rádio. Entretanto, não há garantias de que
não ocorrerão interferências em uma determinada instalação.
Se este equipamento causar interferência prejudicial à recepção
de rádio ou televisão, o que pode ser determinado ao desligar e
ligar o equipamento, o usuário deve tentar corrigir a interferência
tomando uma das seguintes medidas:
• cambiate l'orientamento dell'antenna ricevente o spostatela;
• aumentate la distanza tra l'apparecchio ed il ricevitore;
• Reoriente ou mude de lugar a antena receptora.
• collegate l'apparecchio ad una presa inserita in un circuito
diverso da quello a cui è collegato il ricevitore;
• Aumente a distância entre o equipamento e o receptor.
• Conecte o equipamento a uma tomada de um circuito diferente
do circuito da tomada onde o receptor está conectado.
• rivolgetevi al rivenditore o ad un tecnico radio/TV qualificato.
• Consulte o fabricante do equipamento ou um técnico de rádio/
televisão experiente.
Avvertenza relativa al wireless per l'Australia
Questo dispositivo funziona in base ad una licenza di categoria
ACMA e deve essere conforme a tutte le disposizioni di questa
licenza, incluse le frequenze di funzionamento. Prima del 31
dicembre 2014, questo dispositivo risulterà a norma se utilizzato
nella banda di frequenza 520-820 MHz. AVVERTENZA: dopo il
31 dicembre 2014, per essere a norma, questo dispositivo non
deve essere utilizzato nella banda 694-820 MHz.
Advertência Australiana para Conexão sem fio
Este dispositivo opera sob licença tipo ACMA e deve estar em
conformidade com todas as condições dessa licença, incluindo
frequências de operação. Antes de 31 de dezembro de 2014,
este dispositivo deve estar em conformidade se for operado na
banda de frequência de 520 a 820 MHz. ATENÇÃO: Após 31 de
dezembro de 2014, para estar em conformidade, este dispositivo
não deve ser operado na banda de 694 a 820 MHz.
• Батарейные блоки питания могут взрываться или выделять
токсичные материалы. Остерегайтесь ожогов или возгорания. Ни
в коем случае нельзя вскрывать, разбивать, модифицировать,
разбирать, нагревать выше 60 °C или сжигать батарейки.
• Batterijpakketten kunnen exploderen of giftige stoffen afgeven.
Gevaar voor brand of verbranding. Niet openen, indeuken,
wijzigen, demonteren, tot boven 60 °C verwarmen of
• Следуйте инструкциям изготовителя
• Volg de instructies van de fabrikant op.
• Для подзарядки аккумуляторных батареек Shure используйте
только зарядное устройство Shure
• Gebruik uitsluitend een Shure-lader om oplaadbare Shure-
batterijen op te laden.
• ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЕ. Неправильная замена батарейки может
привести к взрыву. Заменяйте только батарейкой того же или
эквивалентного типа.
• WAARSCHUWING: Explosiegevaar indien batterij door
verkeerd exemplaar wordt vervangen. Uitsluitend vervangen
met hetzelfde type of een gelijkwaardig type.
• Ни в коем случае не берите батарейки в рот. При проглатывании
обратитесь к врачу или в местный токсикологический центр
• Stop nooit een batterij in uw mond. Neem bij doorslikken
contact op met een arts of de plaatselijke eerste hulp.
• Не замыкайте батарейки накоротко; это может привести к ожогам
• Niet kortsluiten; dit kan brandwonden of brand opleveren.
или возгоранию
• Geen batterijpakketten opladen of gebruiken met andere dan
oplaadbare Shure-batterijen.
• Не заряжайте и не используйте никакие другие батарейки, кроме
аккумуляторных батареек Shure
• Voer batterijpakketten op juiste wijze af. Raadpleeg de
plaatselijke verkoper voor de juiste afvoermethode voor
gebruikte batterijpakketten.
• Утилизируйте батарейки надлежащим образом. По вопросам
надлежащей утилизации использованных батареек обращайтесь к
местному поставщику
• Batterijen (batterijpakketten of geplaatste batterijen) mogen niet
worden blootgesteld aan grote hitte, zoals direct zonlicht, vuur
• Не подвергайте батарейки (батарейные блоки питания или
установленные батарейки) чрезмерному нагреву от солнца,
открытого пламени и т.п.
WAARSCHUWING: Explosiegevaar indien batterij door verkeerd
exemplaar wordt vervangen. Alleen gebruiken met compatibele
ВНИМАНИЕ: Неправильная замена батарейки может привести к
взрыву. Используйте только батарейки, совместимые с Shure.
Примечание. Используйте только с блоком питания, входящим в
комплект, или эквивалентным устройством, утвержденным Shure.
Opmerking: Gebruik dit apparaat alleen met de bijgeleverde
voeding of een door Shure goedgekeurd equivalent.
Лицензирование: Для эксплуатации этого оборудования на
некоторых территориях может требоваться административная
лицензия. В отношении возможных требований обращайтесь в
соответствующий национальный орган. Изменения или модификации,
не получившие четко выраженного утверждения Shure Incorporated,
могут лишить вас права эксплуатировать это оборудование.
Лицензирование беспроводного микрофонного оборудования Shure
является обязанностью пользователя, и возможность получения
пользователем лицензии зависит от классификации и применения,
а также от выбранной частоты. Компания Shure настоятельно
рекомендует пользователю, прежде чем выбирать и заказывать
частоты, обратиться в соответствующий регулятивный орган по
телекоммуникациям в отношении надлежащего лицензирования.
Licenties: Een vergunning om deze apparatuur te gebruiken kan
in bepaalde streken nodig zijn. Raadpleeg de autoriteiten in uw
land voor mogelijke vereisten. Wijzigingen of aanpassingen die
niet expliciet zijn goedgekeurd door Shure Incorporated, kunnen
uw bevoegdheid om de apparatuur te gebruiken tenietdoen. Het is
de verantwoordelijkheid van de gebruiker een vergunning aan te
vragen voor de Shure draadloze microfoon, en het verkrijgen van
de vergunning hangt af van de classificatie van de gebruiker en
de toepassing, en van de geselecteerde frequentie. In Nederland
is in de band 470 tot 790 Mhz geen vergunning nodig. Shure
raadt de gebruiker dringend aan contact op te nemen met de
desbetreffende telecommunicatie-autoriteit betreffende de juiste
vergunning en alvorens frequenties te kiezen en te bestellen.
Этот цифровой аппарат класса В соответствует канадским нормам
ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la
norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Dit digitale apparaat van klasse B voldoet aan de Canadese norm
ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à
la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Предупреждение. Во избежание помех следите, чтобы поблизости
от вашей беспроводной системы не было работающих мобильных
телефонов и мобильных широкополосных устройств.
Voorzichtig: Vermijd het gebruik van mobiele telefoons en
mobiele breedbandapparatuur in de buurt van uw draadloze
systeem om de mogelijkheid van interferentie te voorkomen.
Информация для пользователя
Informatie voor de gebruiker
Данное оборудование прошло испытания, и было установлено, что
оно соответствует пределам для цифрового устройства класса В
согласно части 15 Правил FCC. Эти пределы определены исходя
из обеспечения обоснованного уровня защиты от вредных помех
при установке в жилых зданиях. Это оборудование генерирует,
использует и может излучать высокочастотную энергию; если
его установка осуществляется не в соответствии с инструкциями,
оно может создавать вредные помехи для радиосвязи. Однако
нет гарантии, что при конкретной установке помехи не возникнут.
Если оборудование создает вредные помехи приему радио- или
телевизионных передач, в чем можно убедиться, включая и
выключая оборудование, пользователю рекомендуется устранить
помехи одной или несколькими из следующих мер:
Deze apparatuur is getest en goed bevonden volgens de limieten
van een digitaal apparaat van klasse B, conform deel 15 van de
FCC-regelgeving. Deze limieten zijn bedoeld als aanvaardbare
bescherming tegen schadelijke interferentie bij plaatsing in
woonwijken. Deze apparatuur genereert en gebruikt hoogfrequente
energie, kan deze ook uitstralen en kan, indien niet geplaatst
en gebruikt in overeenstemming met de instructies, schadelijke
interferentie aan radiocommunicatie veroorzaken. Er is echter
geen garantie dat in specifieke installaties geen storingen kunnen
optreden. Als deze apparatuur schadelijke interferentie in radio- of
televisieontvangst veroorzaakt, wat kan worden vastgesteld door
het apparaat uit- en weer in te schakelen, wordt de gebruiker
geadviseerd om de storing te corrigeren door een of meer van
onderstaande maatregelen:
• Измените ориентацию или переместите приемную антенну.
• Richt de ontvangstantenne opnieuw of plaats deze ergens
• Увеличьте расстояние между оборудованием и приемником.
• Подключите оборудование к розетке, находящейся не в той цепи,
к которой подсоединен приемник.
• Vergroot de scheidingsafstand tussen het apparaat en de
• Обратитесь за помощью к дилеру или опытному радио- или
телевизионному технику.
• Sluit het apparaat aan op een contactdoos van een ander circuit
dan dat waarop de ontvanger is aangesloten.
• Vraag de dealer of een ervaren radio/TV-monteur om hulp.
Предупреждение для цифровых устройств (Австралия)
Настоящее устройство действует согласно лицензии класса
ACMA и должно соответствовать всем условиям этой лицензии,
включая рабочие частоты. До 31 декабря 2014 соответствие этого
устройства будет обеспечено, если оно работает в диапазоне
частот 520-820 МГц. ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЕ. После 31 декабря 2014
для обеспечения соответствия необходимо, чтобы устройство не
работало в диапазоне 694-820 МГц.
Waarschuwing voor draadloze toepassingen in Australië
Dit apparaat valt onder een licentie voor de ACMA-klasse en
dient te voldoen aan alle voorwaarden van die licentie, evenals
de werkfrequenties. Dit apparaat zal al vóór 31 december 2014
moeten voldoen als het wordt gebruikt in de frequentieband van
520-820 MHz. WAARSCHUWING: Dit apparaat mag na 31
december 2014 om te voldoen niet meer worden gebruikt in de
frequentieband van 694-820 MHz.
System Overview
QLX-D™ Digital Wireless delivers defined, streamlined performance with transparent 24-bit digital audio. Combining professional features with simplified setup and
operation, QLX-D offers outstanding wireless functionality for demanding live sound events and installations.
Shure digital wireless technology enables QLX-D to transmit clearly detailed audio with extended, virtually flat frequency response. Designed to be highly RF spectrum
efficient, QLX-D can operate more than 60 compatible channels simultaneously in a single frequency band. Automatic channel scan and IR sync make finding and
assigning an open frequency quick and easy. Ethernet connection provides networked channel scanning across multiple receivers and Shure Wireless Workbench®
control software compatibility for advanced frequency coordination. AES-256 encryption comes standard and can be easily enabled for secure wireless transmission.
QLX-D also adds Shure rechargeable power options to provide dramatic long-term cost savings and extended transmitter battery life over alkaline batteries, and
battery metering that reports remaining runtime in hours and minutes. With clearly defined performance and innovation, QLX-D delivers the very latest in digital wireless
technology from Shure.
• Ethernet networking for multiple receiver systems
• Transparent 24-bit digital audio
• Network channel scanning configures open frequencies for networked
• Compatible with Shure Wireless Workbench® 6 control software
• Extended 20 Hz to 20 kHz frequency range (microphone dependent)
• 120 dB dynamic range
• Digital predictive switching diversity
• Remote control from a mobile device or tablet via ShurePlus™ Channels app
• 64 MHz tuning bandwidth (region dependent)
• AES-256 encryption for secure wireless transmission
• More than 60 available channels per frequency band (region dependent)
• Elegant and easy-to-use interface with high-contrast LCD menu
• Up to 17 compatible systems per 6MHz TV band; 22 systems per 8 MHz band
• Compatible with external control systems such as AMX or Crestron
• Easy pairing of transmitters and receivers over IR scan and sync
• Professional-grade all-metal construction
• Automatic channel scan
• Transmitters use 2 AA batteries or Shure SB900 rechargeable battery
Full Manual Online
This guide is a quick reference covering the essential features and functions of the QLX-D system.
• Encryption
• Firmware Updates
• Connecting to External Controls Systems
• Combo Systems
• Custom Groups
• Network Scan
• Networking
• Wireless Workbench 6
• Transmitter RF Power
• Setting IP Addresses and Subnet Masks
• Optional Accessories
• Selecting Regional TV Bandwidth
System Components
① QLXD4 Receiver
③ 1/2 Wave Antennas (2)
⑥ AA Alkaline Batteries (not included in Argentina)
⑦ Rackmount Hardware
② PS23 Power Supply
④ 2 ft. BNC Cables with Bulkhead Adapters (2)
⑤ Choice of QLXD1 Bodypack Transmitter or QLXD2
Handheld Transmitter
Model Variations
Model variations with additional components are available to meet specific performance situations.
QLXD2 Handheld Transmitter
QLXD1 Bodypack Guitar System
QLXD1 Bodypack Headworn or
Bodypack and Handheld Combo
Includes QLXD2 Handheld, available Includes QLXD1 bodypack
with any of the following microphone transmitter
Includes QLXD1 bodypack, available
with any of the following microphone
• Beta 98H/C
• WL93
• QLXD1 bodypack transmitter with
WL185 Microflex cardioid lavalier
• QLXD2 handheld transmitter with
Shure SM58 microphone cartridge
• Battery Contact Cover
• SM58
WA305 Premium instrument cable
Zipper Bag
• Beta 58A
• SM86
• WL183
• Beta 87A
• SM87A
• WL184
• WL185
• Zipper Bag (2)
• Beta 87C
• KSM9
• KSM9HS (black)
• MX150 (omni)
• MX150 (cardioid)
• MX153 (black or tan)
• SM35
Microphone Clip
Battery Contact Cover
Zipper Bag
Zipper Bag
Quick Start
Step 1: Power and Antenna Connection
Step 2: Scanning for the Best Available Channel
① Connect an antenna to each of the antenna connectors.
1. Press the menubutton on the receiver to access the scan function.
② Connect the power supply to the receiver and plug into an AC power
③ Connect the receiver audio output to a mixer or amplifier.
④ Press and hold the power button to turn on the receiver.
group channel
2. Press the enterbutton to start a frequency scan. The scan icon will flash while
in scan mode. When the scan is complete, the selected group and channel
appear on the display.
group channel
audio gain
Step 3: Install Batteries into Transmitter
AA Batteries
Shure SB900 Battery
AA Adapter
AA Adapter
① Accessing the Battery Compartment
Press the side tabs on the bodypack or unscrew the
cover on the handheld as shown to access the battery
② Installing Batteries
- AA Batteries: Place batteries (note polarity markings) and AA Adaptor as shown
- Shure SB900 Battery: Place battery as shown (note polarity markings), remove AA Adaptor from
bodypack transmitter, stow AA Adaptor in door for handheld transmitter
Note: If using AA batteries, select a battery type from the transmitter menu to ensure accurate battery
Step 4: IR Sync to Create an Audio Channel
4. syncgoodappears on the display when IR sync is complete. The
blue rfLED will illuminate indicating that the transmitter is within
range of the receiver.
1. Turn on the transmitter.
2. Press the syncbutton on the receiver. The red irLED
will blink indicating that sync mode is active.
Note: If the IR sync fails, repeat the IR sync procedure, carefully
maintaining alignment between the IR windows of the transmitter and
3. Align the IR sync windows of the transmitter and
receiver at a distance of <15 cm (6 in.). When the
transmitter and receiver are aligned, the red irLED
remains on and the sync will automatically occur.
< 15 cm (6 in.)
Step 5: Sound Check and Gain Adjustment
1. Test the transmitter at performance levels while monitoring the audiometer and the
audioLED. The audiometer should display at least 3 bars and the audioLED should
be green. Reduce the gain if there is audible distortion of the audio.
group channel
audio gain
2. Increase or decrease the gain if necessary by pressing the arrow buttons on the
receiver front panel.
Receiver Front and Back Panels
① Display
⑦ Menu Button
- Press to access or select menu screens
- Press to cancel pending changes
Shows menu options, receiver and transmitter settings.
② Arrow Buttons
- Press and hold to return to the home screen
Adjust gain setting or change menu parameters.
Illuminates when RF link with transmitter is active.
③ Enter Button
Press to save menu or parameter changes.
⑨ IR Window
Align with the transmitter IR window during an IR sync to automatically
program transmitters.
④ Sync Button
Press to activate IR sync.
⑩ Sync LED
⑤ Power Switch
- Blinking: IR sync mode is enabled
Powers receiver on or off.
- On: Receiver and transmitter aligned for IR sync
⑥ Audio LED
- Green = normal
- Yellow = signal approaching limiter threshold
- Red = limiter engaged to prevent clipping
⑪ Power Cord Strain Relief
⑭ Receiver Reset
Secures power cord.
Press to restore receiver default settings.
⑫ Power Supply Jack
⑮ Antenna Connectors
Connection point for DC power supply.
BNC connector for receiver antennas
⑬ Ethernet Port
⑯ Mic/Line Switch
For network connection.
Sets output level to microphone or line.
- Amber LED (network speed):
off = 10 Mbps, on = 100 Mbps
⑰ XLR Audio Output
Balanced (1: ground, 2: audio +, 3: audio - )
- Green LED (network status):
off = no network link, on = network link active
flashing = rate corresponds to traffic volume
⑱ 1/4" Instrument/Auxiliary Output
Impedance Balanced (Tip: audio, Ring: no audio, Sleeve: ground)
① Power LED
⑥ Battery Compartment
- Green = unit is powered on
- Red = low battery
Requires 2 AA batteries or a Shure SB900
rechargeable battery.
② On/Off Switch
⑦ AA Battery Adapter
Powers the transmitter on or off.
Secures batteries when powering
transmitter with AA batteries instead of
Shure SB900 battery.
③ Display:
View menu screens and settings. Press any
control button to activate the backlight.
⑧ Bodypack Antenna
④ IR window
For RF signal transmission.
Align with the receiver IR window during an IR
sync for automated transmitter programming.
⑨ Handheld Integrated Antenna
For RF signal transmission.
⑤ Menu Navigation Buttons
menu= Use to navigate between menu screens.
⑩ Microphone Cartridge
See Optional Accessories for a list of
compatible cartridges.
▼▲ = Use to select menu screens, edit menu
parameters, or choose a home screen display option.
⑪ TA4M Input Jack
enter= Press to confirm and save parameter
Connects to a 4-Pin Mini Connector
(TA4F) microphone or instrument cable.
Tip: Press the menubutton to exit without saving
parameter changes.
⑫ Battery Contact Cover
Align the cover as shown to prevent
reflections from the battery contacts during
broadcasts or performances.
Battery Installation
AA Batteries
Shure SB900 Battery
AA Adapter
AA Adapter
① Accessing the Battery Compartment
Press the side tabs on the bodypack or unscrew the
cover on the handheld as shown to access the battery
② Installing Batteries
- AA Batteries: Place batteries (note polarity markings) and AA Adaptor as shown
- Shure SB900 Battery: Place battery as shown (note polarity markings), remove AA Adaptor
from bodypack transmitter, stow AA Adaptor in door for handheld transmitter
Note: If using AA batteries, set the battery type using the transmitter menu.
Setting the AA Battery Type
AA Battery Installation
Fully insert the batteries as shown to ensure proper battery contact and to
allow the door to latch securely.
To ensure accurate display of transmitter runtime, set the battery type in the
transmitter menu to match the installed AA battery type. If a Shure SB900
rechargeable battery is installed, selecting a battery type is not necessary and
the battery type menu will not be displayed.
1. Press the menubutton to navigate to the battery icon.
2. Use the ▼▲ buttons to select the installed battery type:
- AL= Alkaline
- nH= Nickel Metal Hydride
- Li= Lithium Primary
3. Press enterto save.
Transmitter Display
① Battery Indicator
③ Encryption Status
Icon displayed when encryption is
Bars displayed indicate remaining battery life.
② Home Screen Display: Group and Channel/Frequency/SB900
Battery Runtime
rf power
mic oꢀset
④ Lock
Use the arrow keys to select one of the following home screen
Displayed when transmitter controls
are locked.
group channel MHz
⑤ RF Power
Group and
SB900 battery
RF power setting (Loor Hi).
⑥ Mic Offset
Displays micoffsetlevel in 3 dB
group channel
Transmitter controls
• To increase, decrease or change a parameter, use the ▼▲ buttons
menu enter
• To save a menu change, press enter
• To exit a menu without saving a change, press the menubutton
Transmitter Menu Options and Navigation
The transmitter features individual menu screens for setting up and adjusting the transmitter. To access the menu options from the home screen, press the menubutton.
Each additional press of the menubutton advances to the next menu screen.
① Home Screen
Use the arrow keys to select one of the following home screen
- Battery Icon/group and channel
- Battery Icon/frequency
- Battery Icon/Battery Runtime (SB900 installed)
② group
Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the groups.
③ channel
Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the channels.
④ frequency
group channel
Use the arrow buttons to adjust the frequency. Press and hold
for faster scrolling.
mic oꢀset
⑤ lock
group channel
Select a lock option:
- On= controls locked
- OFF= controls unlocked
⑥ rf power
rf power
Select an rf power setting:
- Lo = 1 mW
- Hi = 10 mW
⑦ mic offset dB
Use to match audio levels between two transmitters used
in a combo system. Range is 0 to 21 dB (3 dB increments).
Adjustments occur in realtime.
Tips for Editing Menu Parameters
• To access the menu options from the home screen, press the menubutton. Each
additional press of the menubutton advances to the next menu screen.
⑧ battery type
• A menu parameter will blink when editing is enabled
• To increase, decrease or change a parameter, use the arrow buttons
• To save a menu change, press enter
Use to set the battery type to match the installed AA battery
type to ensure accurate battery metering. Menu is not
displayed when Shure SB900 batteries are installed.
• To exit a menu without saving a change, press menu
Receiver Display
⑤ Audio Meter
⑩ Scan
Displayed when scanfunction is active.
13 12 11 10
Number of bars displayed corresponds to
audio level.
⑪ Network Scan
- OL= Illuminates when receiver audio limiter is
active to prevent clipping
- TxOL= Illuminates when transmitter input is
overloaded. Reduce input from microphone or
instrument to prevent clipping.
Displayed when networkscanfunction
is active in multi-receiver systems.
⑫ Network Connection Indicator
Illuminates when additional Shure
components are detected on the
group channel
audio gain
⑥ Gain Level
Displays receiver gain setting in 1 dB
⑬ TV Channel
Displays the number of the TV channel
containing the selected frequency.
⑦ Receiver Lock Status
① Group
Lock icon and name of locked control:
Displays group setting.
- menu
- power
- gain
⑭ Transmitter Battery Icon
② Channel
Indicates remaining battery life.
Displays channel setting.
⑮ SB900 Battery Runtime
When the transmitter is powered by
a Shure SB900 rechargeable battery,
remaining runtime is displayed in
③ Active Antenna Indicator
⑧ Frequency Setting
Illuminates to indicate which antenna is active.
Selected frequency (MHz).
④ RF Signal Meter
⑨ Encryption Status
Number of bars displayed corresponds to RF signal
level - OL= overload.
Illuminates when encryption is enabled.
Navigating the Receiver Menus
The receiver has a main menu for setup and configuration and an advanced menu to access additional receiver functions.
Main Menu
Advanced Menu
Starting from the main menu home screen, press menuwhile holding the
enterbutton to access the advanced menu. Each additional press of the
menubutton advances to the next menu screen in the following order.
Press the menubutton to access the menu. Each additional press of the menu
button advances to the next menu screen in the following order:
network scan
group channel
r f
group channel
① Scan
④ Channel
Receiver automatically
Edit the receiver channel settings
scans for the best available
① Custom Groups
Use to add channels and
frequencies to Custom
④ IP Settings
⑤ Lock
Choose a control lock option
⑥ Encryption
Use to select and edit IP settings
and subnet masks
② Network Scan
Scans to find frequencies
for networked receivers
operating in the same
frequency band
⑤ Network Reset
Use the arrow buttons to enable
encryption (on) or disable
encryption (off)
② TV Channel Spacing
Returns network settings and IP
address to default setting
Selects the regional
bandwidth for TV channel
⑥ Factory Reset
⑦ Frequency
③ Group
Restores factory settings
Use the arrow buttons to edit the
frequency value
Edit the receiver group
③ Firmware Update
Use to update the
For application and configuration
details, see the related guide topic for
each advanced feature.
transmitter firmware
Tips for Editing Menu Parameters
• To increase, decrease or change a parameter, use the arrow buttons
• A menu setting will blink when editing is enabled
• To save a menu change, press enter
• To exit a menu without saving a change, press menu
• To access the advanced menu, press menuwhile holding the enterbutton from the home screen
• To return to the home screen from any menu without saving changes, press and hold the menubutton.
AA Batteries and Transmitter Runtime
QLX-D transmitters are compatible with the following AA battery types:
• Alkaline
• Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)
• Lithium Primary
A 5-segment battery indicator representing the charge level of the transmitter battery is displayed on the screens of the transmitter and receiver. The following tables
contain the approximate remaining transmitter runtime in hours:minutes.
Alkaline Batteries: Up to 9 Hours of
NiMH Batteries: Up to 10 Hours of
Lithium Primary Batteries: Up
to 16 Hours of Runtime
Battery Indicator
Runtime Remaining
Battery Indicator Approximate
Runtime Remaining
Runtime Remaining
9:30 to 7:30
7:30 to 5:30
5:30 to 3:30
3:30 to 2:30
2:30 to 1:30
< 0:30
10:00 to 8:00
8:00 to 6:00
6:00 to 4:00
4:00 to 2:00
2:00 to 0:20
0:20 to 0:00
16:00 to 12:45
12:45 to 9:30
9:30 to 6:30
6:30 to 3:15
3:15 to 0:20
0:20 to 0:00
Shure SB900 Rechargeable Battery
Shure SB900 lithium-ion batteries offer a rechargeable option for powering the QLX-D transmitters. Batteries quickly charge to 50% capacity in one hour and reach full
charge within three hours.
Single chargers and multiple bay chargers are available to recharge the Shure batteries.
Caution: Only charge Shure rechargeable batteries with a Shure battery charger.
Single Bay Charger
The single bay charger offers a compact
charging solution.
Multiple Bay Chargers
Shure offers two models of multiple bay
1. Plug the charger into an AC power
source or USB port.
• SBC-200 two bay charger
• SBC-800 eight bay charger
2. Insert a battery into the charging bay.
Multiple bay chargers can charge
individual batteries or batteries installed
in transmitters.
3. Monitor the charging status LEDs until
charging is complete.
Charging Status LED
1. Plug the charger into an AC power source.
2. Insert batteries or transmitters into the charging bay.
3. Monitor the charging status LEDs until charging is complete.
Charging Complete
Charging Status LED
Amber Flashing
Fault: check connections and battery
No battery in bay
Charging Complete
Charge level above 90%
Important Tips for Care and Storage of Shure
Rechargeable Batteries
Proper care and storage of Shure batteries results in reliable performance
and ensures a long lifetime.
Amber Flashing
Fault: check connections and battery
No battery in bay
• Always store batteries and transmitters at room temperature
• Ideally, batteries should be charged to approximately 40% of capacity for
long-term storage
• During storage, check batteries every 6 months and recharge to 40% of
capacity as needed
Creating Audio Channels
A wireless audio channel is formed when a receiver and transmitter are tuned to the same frequency. To ease setup, frequencies available to the QLX-D system are
organized into groups and channels. Each group contains a number of channels, and each channel is assigned to a specific preset frequency.
The QLX-D system provides 3 methods for tuning the receiver and transmitter to the same frequency:
• Scan and IR Sync: The receiver scans the RF spectrum for the best available frequency and an IR sync automatically tunes the transmitter to the receiver frequency
• Manual Group and Channel Assignment: Manually setting the receiver and transmitter to the same group and channel number forms an audio channel
• Manual Frequency Assignment: Manually setting the receiver and transmitter to the same frequency rather than using groups and channels forms an audio channel
Important: Before you begin a scan or frequency assignment:
• Turn off: All transmitters for system you are setting up to prevent interference with frequency scans.
• Turn on: The following potential sources of interference including other wireless systems, computers, CD players, large LED panels, and effects processors to prevent
selection of occupied frequencies.
Scan and IR Sync
The simplest way to create an audio channel is to use the scan function to find the best available receiver channel, and then use the IR sync feature to automatically tune
the transmitter to the receiver channel.
Step 1: Scanning to Find the Best Group and Channel
The Scan function automatically selects the best available receiver group and channel.
1. Navigate to the Scanmenu option.
2. Press enterto start the scan.
3. When the scan is complete, the group and channel will appear on the display.
Step 2: IR Sync for Automatic Transmitter Set Up
Performing an IR Sync automatically tunes the transmitter to match the receiver frequency, forming a wireless audio channel.
1. Turn on the transmitter.
2. Press the syncbutton on the receiver. The red irLED will blink indicating that sync mode is active.
3. Align the IR sync windows of the transmitter and receiver at a distance of <15 cm (6 in.). When the transmitter and receiver
are aligned, the red irLED remains on and the sync will automatically occur.
4. syncgoodappears on the display when IR sync is complete. The blue rfLED will illuminate indicating that the transmitter
is within range of the receiver.
Note: If the IR sync fails, repeat the IR sync procedure, carefully maintaining alignment between the IR windows of the transmitter
and receiver.
< 15 cm (6 in.)
Manual Group and Channel Assignment
An audio channel can be manually created by simply setting the receiver and transmitter to the same group number and channel number. For example, a receiver set to
Group 2, Channel 3 and a transmitter set to Group 2, Channel 3 would form an audio channel.
Use manual group and channel configuration to assign specific groups and channels to receivers and transmitters as an alternative method to automatically creating
channels with IR sync.
Use the following steps to set the group and channel in the receiver and transmitter:
1. Navigate to the groupsetting.
2. Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the groups.
3. Press enterto select a group.
4. Next, use the arrow buttons to select a channel.
5. Press enterto save.
Manual Frequency Selection
Manual frequency selection can be used instead of groups and channels to set the transmitter and receiver to a specific frequency. For example, an audio channel can be
created by setting the receiver and transmitter to same frequency.
Setting the Receiver Frequency
Setting the Transmitter Frequency
1. Press menuto navigate to the frequency
1. Press menuto navigate to the frequencysetting
setting option.
2. Use the arrow buttons to adjust the
frequency. Press and hold for faster
2. Use the arrow buttons to adjust the frequency.
Press and hold for faster scrolling.
3. Press enterto save.
3. Press enterto save.
Receiver Gain Adjustment
The gain control sets the overall signal level for the system. The default gain level is 12 dB and the available gain
range is -18 to 42 dB, in 1 dB increments.
Set the gain to a level where the audioLED appears green or yellow, with only the highest audio peaks causing
the LED to occasionally turn red and engage the limiter. Reduce the gain if there is audible distortion of the audio.
audio gain
From the receiver home screen, use the arrow buttons to increase or decrease the gain:
• A single button press adjusts the gain in 1 dB increments
• Press and hold the button for larger adjustments
Test the transmitter at performance levels when adjusting the gain. Monitor the audiometer and the audioLED
to prevent overloads.
Control Lock Options for the Receiver and Transmitter
Control lock options are available for both the receiver and the transmitter to protect against accidental or unauthorized changes. Locks can be directly set from the
component menu, or remotely set from WWB6. To maintain protection, controls remain locked when the transmitter is turned off and turned on.
Locking and Unlocking the Receiver Controls
The receiver has the following control lock options which can be used
separately or in any combination:
Locking and Unlocking Transmitter Controls
The transmitter controls can be locked or unlocked by selecting On(locked) or
OFF(unlocked) from the transmitter lock menu.
• gain:locks the arrow buttons to prevent changes to the audio gain settings
If an attempt is made to access a locked control, the lock icon will flash,
indicating that the transmitter controls are locked.
• menu:prevents access to menu items and IR sync (gain controls and power
switch remain active)
• power:disables power switch (gain and menu controls remain active)
To set a transmitter lock:
1. Press the menubutton to navigate
to the lock settings.
To lock a receiver control:
To unlock a receiver:
Tip: To unlock the menu and clear
all locks, press and hold the menu
button while in the home screen
until the unlock icon appears. Press
enterto confirm and save change.
1. Press the menubutton to navigate to
the lock settings.
2. Use the arrow buttons to select on.
3. Press enterto save. The lock icon
appears on the display to confirm
that the control locks are enabled.
2. Use the arrow buttons to add or
remove the lock options shown next to
the lock icon.
To unlock the transmitter:
3. Press enterto save the lock settings.
1. To unlock gainor power
settings, navigate to the lock
settings by pressing the menu
1. Press and hold the menubutton until
OFFand the unlock icon appear on
the display.
2. Press enterto save changes.
2. Press the arrow buttons to de-
select a lock option.
3. Press enterto confirm and save
Error Codes and Solutions
Error codes are generated when the receiver detects a condition that can potentially affect system performance.
If an error is displayed on the receiver, use the following table to identify the problem and find the corresponding solution.
Error Code
Audio Compatibility
Update transmitter and receiver firmware to the latest version.
Set encryption to offfor components from different Shure products lines, such as QLX-D and ULX-D.
Encryption Mismatch between
Shure product lines
Encryption Mode Mismatch
Band Mismatch
Perform an IR sync between the transmitter and receiver to clear the error.
Receiver and transmitter are operating in overlapping frequencies from different bands.
Receiver and transmitter are from bands that do not share compatible frequencies.
Rescan, select a different group, or use WWB to find a frequency.
Update firmware on the transmitter and receiver.
Frequency Mismatch
No Frequencies Found
Firmware Mismatch
Shure SB900 battery runtime does Check that battery is firmly installed into the battery compartment. If condition persists, replace the
not appear on display
See Solution...
No Sound
Power, Cables, or Radio Frequency
Faint sound or distortion
Gain, Cables, Reducing Interference or Radio Frequency
Lack of range, unwanted noise bursts, or dropouts
Cannot turn transmitter off or change frequency settings, or can't program
Interface Locks
Receiver display shows FAILafter encryption is disable
Encryption Mismatch
Group and Channel display shows "--"
Custom Group IR Sync
Radio Frequency (RF)
The blue RF LED will illuminate when a linked transmitter is within range of the
receiver. Measure the transmitter range before a performance to avoid operating
beyond the specified transmitter range.
Make sure that the receiver and transmitter are receiving sufficient voltage.
Check the battery indicators. Replace or recharge the batteries if necessary.
The RF meter bars indicate amount of RF power being received. This signal
could be from the transmitter, or it could be from an interfering source, such
as a television broadcast. If the meter shows a signal level when the transmitter
is off, then that channel may have interference. Check the surrounding area for
sources of interference or change the receiver to a clear frequency.
Adjust the system gain on the front of the receiver. Ensure the mic/line
switch setting (XLR output only) on the back of the receiver corresponds to
the input of the mixing console, amplifier, or processor.
A red RFLED indicates RF overload. Avoid operating multiple systems in close
Check that all cables and connectors are fully engaged or locked into
position. Inspect cables for damage. Replace if necessary.
Frequency Compatibility
Interface Locks
The transmitter and the receiver can be locked to prevent accidental or
unauthorized changes. If a locked control is accessed, the lock icon on the
display will flash. Follow the instructions to unlock the receiver or transmitter.
• Perform a Scan and Sync to ensure the transmitter and receiver are set to the
same channel or frequency
• Look at the label on the transmitter and receiver to make sure they are in the
same band (G50, J50, L50, etc...).
Firmware Mismatch
Paired transmitters and receivers must have the same firmware version
installed to ensure consistent operation. See Firmware Updates topic for
firmware update procedure.
Reducing Interference
• Perform a scan to find the best open frequency. Perform an IR sync to transfer
the settings to the transmitter.
• For multiple systems, make sure that each receiver is assigned to a unique
channel. Interference will occur if two transmitters are set to the same channel.
Encryption Mismatch
• Maintain a line of sight between transmitter and receiver antennas.
Indicates an encryption key mismatch has been detected. Perform an IR sync
between the receiver and transmitter to clear the error.
• Move receiver antennas away from metal objects or other sources of RF
interference (such as CD players, computers, digital effects, network switches,
network cables and Personal Stereo Monitor (PSM) wireless systems).
Custom Group IR Sync
When using Custom Groups, always perform an IR sync from the
CustomGroupsmenu in the receiver to ensure accurate display of group and
channel information. See CustomGroupstopic for additional details.
• Eliminate RF overload (see below).
Increasing Range
• Increase transmitter RF power level to Hi
• Use an active directional antenna, antenna distribution system, or other
antenna accessory to increase RF range
Eliminating RF Overload
If the RF OLicon appears on the RF meter, try the following:
• Reduce the transmitter RF power level from Hito Lo
• Move the transmitter further away from the receiver—at least 6 m (20 ft)
• If you are using active antennas, reduce antenna or amplifier gain.
• Use omnidirectional antennas
QLXD Specifications
RF Carrier Frequency Range
System Audio Polarity
470–937.5 MHz, varies by region (See Frequency Range and
Output Power table)
<2.9 ms
Positive pressure on microphone diaphragm produces positive
voltage on pin 2 (with respect to pin 3 of XLR output) and the tip
of the 6.35 mm (1/4-inch) output.
Audio Frequency Response
Working Range
QLXD1 20 – 20 kHz (±1 dB)
Operating Temperature Range
100 m (328 ft)
Note: Actual range depends on RF signal absorption, reflection
and interference.
-18°C (0°F) to 50°C (122°F)
Note: Battery characteristics may limit this range.
QLXD2 Note: Dependent on microphone type
Audio Dynamic Range
System Gain @ +10
RF Tuning Step Size
25 kHz, varies by region
Image Rejection
>70 dB, typical
Storage Temperature Range
-29°C (-20°F) to 74°C (165°F)
Note: Battery characteristics may limit this range.
>120 dB, A-weighted, typical
Total Harmonic Distortion
−12 dBFS input, System Gain @ +10
RF Sensitivity
-97 dBm at 10-5 BER
Mic Offset Range
Mic Offset Range
41 mm x 197 mm x 151 mm (1.63 in. x 7.75 in. x 5.94 in.), H x
W x D
0 to 21 dB (in 3 dB steps)
Battery Type
0 to 21 dB (in 3 dB steps)
Battery Type
Shure SB900 Rechargeable Li-Ion or AA batteries 1.5 V
Battery Runtime
Shure SB900 Rechargeable Li-Ion or AA batteries 1.5 V
Battery Runtime
777 g (1.71 lbs), without antennas
@ 10 mW
@ 10 mW
Shure SB900 up to10 hours
Shure SB900 up to10 hours
alkaline up to 9 hours
Power Requirements
12 V DC @ 0.4 A, supplied by external power supply (tip positive)
alkaline up to 9 hours
See Battery Runtime Chart
See Battery Runtime Chart
RF Input
Spurious Rejection
>80 dB, typical
Connector Type
86 mm x 65 mm x 23 mm (3.38in. x 2.57 in. x 0.92 in.) H x W x
D,without antenna
256 mm x 37 mm (10.1 in. x 1.5 in.) L x Dia.
347 g (12.2 oz.), without batteries
138 g (4.9 oz.), without batteries
50 Ω
Machined aluminum
Cast aluminum
Audio Input
Audio Output
Audio Input
Gain Adjustment Range
-18 to +42 dB in 1 dB steps
4-Pin male mini connector (TA4M), See drawing for details
Maximum Input Level
1 kHz at 1% THD
1/4" (6.35 mm) Impedance balanced (Tip=audio,
145 dB SPL (SM58), typical
Note: Dependent on microphone type
Ring=no audio, Sleeve=ground)
1 MΩ, See drawing for details
Maximum Input Level
1 kHz at 1% THD
XLR balanced (1=ground, 2=audio +,
RF Output
Antenna Type
3=audio −)
Integrated Single Band Helical
Occupied Bandwidth
<200 kHz
8.5 dBV (7.5 Vpp)
1/4" (6.35 mm) 100 Ω (50 Ω Unbalanced)
XLR 100 Ω
Preamplifier Equivalent Input Noise (EIN)
System Gain Setting ≥ +20
Modulation Type
Shure proprietary digital
-120 dBV, A-weighted, typical
Full Scale Output
RF Output
1/4" (6.35 mm) +12 dBV
1 mW or 10 mW
See Frequency Range and Output Power table, varies
by region
XLR LINE setting= +18 dBV, MIC setting=
-12 dBV
Antenna Type
1/4 wave
Mic/Line Switch
30 dB pad
50 Ω
Phantom Power Protection
Occupied Bandwidth
<200 kHz
1/4" (6.35 mm) Yes
Modulation Type
Shure proprietary digital
1 mW or 10 mW
Network Interface
See Frequency Range and Output Power table, varies by
Single Port Ethernet 10/100 Mbps
Network Addressing Capability
DHCP or Manual IP address
Maximum Cable Length
100 m (328 ft)
This product meets the Essential Requirements of all relevant European directives and is eligible for CE marking.
Certified under FCC Part 74.
Certified by IC in Canada under RSS-123 and RSS-102.
Approved under the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) provision of FCC Part 15.
Certified by IC in Canada under RSS-210.
Conforms to electrical safety requirements based on IEC 60065.
Complies with and/or is certified to RSS-210, RSS-GEN.
Authorized European representative:
Shure Europe GmbH
Headquarters Europe, Middle East & Africa
Department: EMEA Approval
Jakob-Dieffenbacher-Str. 12
75031 Eppingen, Germany
Phone: 49-7262-92 49 0
Fax: 49-7262-92 49 11 4
Email: EMEAsupport@shure.de
IC: 616A-QLXD1G50, 616A-QLXD1H50, 616A-QLXD1J50, 616A-QLXD1L50, 616A-QLXD2G50, 616A-QLXD2H50, 616A-QLXD2J50, 616A-QLXD2L50.
*NOTE: This Radio equipment is intended for use in musical professional
Country Code
Code de Pays
Codice di paese
Código de país
Frequency Range
Gamme de frequences
Gamme di frequenza
Gama de frequencias
entertainment and similar applications. This Radio apparatus may be capable of
operating on some frequencies not authorized in your region. Please contact your
national authority to obtain information on authorized frequencies and RF power
levels for wireless microphone products.
A, B, BG, CH, CY, CZ, D, DK, EST, F,
FIN, GB, GR, H, HR, I, IRL, IS, L, LT,
M, N, NL, P, PL RO, S, SK, SLO, TR,
All other countries
*REMARQUE : Ce matériel radio est prévu pour une utilisation en spectacles
musicaux professionnels et applications similaires. Il est possible que cet appareil
radio soit capable de fonctionner sur certaines fréquences non autorisées
localement. Se mettre en rapport avec les autorités compétentes pour obtenir les
informations sur les fréquences et niveaux de puissance HF autorisés pour les
systèmes de microphones sans fil.
470 - 534 MHz
1 or 10 mW
A, B, BG, CH, CY, CZ, D, DK, EST, F,
FIN, GB, GR, H, HR, I, IRL, IS, L, LT,
M, N, NL, P, PL RO, S, SK, SLO, TR,
All other countries
534 - 598 MHz
1 or 10 mW
*HINWEIS: Diese Funkausrüstung ist zum Gebrauch bei professionellen
Musikveranstaltungen und ähnlichen Anwendungen vorgesehen. Dieses Gerät
kann möglicherweise auf einigen Funkfrequenzen arbeiten, die in Ihrem Gebiet
nicht zugelassen sind. Wenden Sie sich bitte an die zuständige Behörde, um
Informationen über zugelassene Frequenzen und erlaubte Sendeleistungen für
drahtlose Mikrofonprodukte zu erhalten.
A, B, BG, CH, CY, CZ, D, DK, EST, F,
606 - 670 MHz
1 or 10 mW
FIN, GB, GR, H, HR, I, IRL, IS, L, LT,
M, N, NL, P, PL RO, S, SK, SLO, TR,
All other countries
A, B, BG, CH, CY, CZ, D, DK, EST, F,
FIN, GB, GR, H, HR, I, IRL, IS, L, LT,
M, N, NL, P, PL RO, S, SK, SLO, TR,
All other countries
632 - 694 MHz
1 or 10 mW
*NOTA: Este equipo de radio está destinado para uso en presentaciones
musicales profesionales y usos similares. Este aparato de radio puede ser
capaz de funcionar en algunas frecuencias no autorizadas en su región. Por
favor comuníquese con las autoridades nacionales para información sobre
las frecuencias autorizadas y los niveles de potencia de radiofrecuencia para
micrófonos inalámbricos.
A, B, BG, CH, CY, CZ, D, DK, EST, F,
FIN, GB, GR, H, HR, I, IRL, IS, L, LT,
M, N, NL, P, PL RO, S, SK, SLO, TR,
all other countries
710 - 782 MHz
1 or 10 mW
*NOTA: questo apparecchio radio è concepito per l'intrattenimento musicale a
livello professionale ed applicazioni simili. Questo apparecchio radio può essere in
grado di funzionare a frequenze non autorizzate nel Paese in cui si trova l'utente.
Rivolgetevi alle autorità competenti per ottenere le informazioni relative alle
frequenze ed ai livelli di potenza RF autorizzati nella vostra regione per i prodotti
A, B, BG, CH, CY, CZ, D, DK, EST, F,
FIN, GB, GR, H, HR, I, IRL, IS, L, LT,
M, N, NL, P, PL RO, S, SK, SLO, TR,
All other countries
794 - 806 MHz
1 or 10 mW
license free
823 - 832 MHz
863 - 865 MHz
1 or 10 mW
A, B, BG, CH, CY, CZ, D, DK, EST, F,
FIN, GB, GR, H, HR, I, IRL, IS, L, LT,
M, N, NL, P, PL RO, S, SK, SLO, TR,
863 - 865 MHz
*OPMERKING: Deze radioapparatuur is bedoeld voor gebruik bij professionele
muzikale amusementsproducties en soortgelijke toepassingen. Dit radioapparaat
kan mogelijk werken op bepaalde frequenties die niet zijn toegestaan in uw
regio. Raadpleeg de autoriteiten in uw land voor informatie over goedgekeurde
frequenties en RF-vermogensniveaus voor draadloze microfoons.
EU: license free
all other countries
*ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Данная радиоаппаратура предназначается для
использования в профессиональных музыкальных представлениях и
аналогичных приложениях. Может оказаться, что эта радиоаппаратура
в состоянии работать на некоторых частотах, не разрешенных в вашем
регионе. За информацией о разрешенных частотах и уровнях РЧ мощности
для беспроводных микрофонных систем обращайтесь в национальные
органы власти.
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