Radio Key® RK-65K
with RK100M instructions
Operating Guide
Rev. C
A Division of Soundcraft, Inc.
20301 Nordhoff Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Phone: 818-882-0020 • Fax: 818-882-7052
*U.S. Patent #6317027
Radio Key® RK-65K/RK-65KS
Operating Guide
Table of Contents
Ordering Transponders ......................................................3
Programming Radio Key® RK-65K/RK-65KS ..................4
Programming Radio Key® RK100M .................................5
Handheld Programmer (RK-HHP) &
Programming Deck (RK-PD1) ......................................6
Programming Steps ..........................................................7
Programming Hints ..........................................................13
Basic Operation ...............................................................19
Converting to RK100M Mode...........................................21
Specifications ...................................................................29
Figure 1, Radio Key® RK-65K & RK-65KS Units................2
Figure 2, Programming Deck & Hand-Held Programmer...2
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
TheRadioKey® RK-65Kisaprogrammablesingle-dooraccess
control system which controls access for up to 65,000 users. It
can control an electric strike, magnetic lock, or gate operator,
and has an additional programmable input which may be set
as a remote open input or as an LED/Beeper control for use
with the Wiegand output. AWiegand output is also provided to
allow for later upgrading to an on line system. Information on
using the RK-65K as a Wiegand reader is contained on page 18
The major components are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
The Radio Key® RK-65K Access Control Unit contains the CPU,
memory, access relay, and an internal reader. It has a beeper, and
a bi-color LED indicator. An RK-HHP Handheld Programmer or an
RK-PD1ProgramDeck(notincluded), isusedtoaddordeletetran-
sponders, to set the operating mode, to program the password and
latch timer. The Radio Key® RK-65K is compatible with the Secura
Key SecuRelay™, an intelligent relay module used to eliminate the
possibility of break-in by attacking the access control unit.
100 users. To convert this unit to RK100M mode, follow the
instructions on Page 21.
Secura Key ꢀ
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Figure 1 - Radio Key® RK-65K & RK-65KS Units
NOTE: All references to RK-65K also apply to the RK-65KS.
Figure 2 - Programming Deck (RK-PD1)
& Hand-Held Programmer (RK-HHP)
NOTE: Programming sequences are the same
using RK-PD1 or RK-HHP
Secura Key ꢀ2
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
The Radio Key® RK-65K works with Secura Key RKCM-02
molded (clamshell) cards, RKCI-02 ISO-standard cards and
RKKT-02 key ring tags. Card Format 303 and Format 201
can be used.
will be assigned a new Facility Code and your transponders will
begin with ID number 1. As you need additional cards or tags
you can order the same Facility Code, specifying the starting
number, whichwillbeonedigithigherthanyourhighestexisting
If you use Format 201, these are shipped from stock and you
may receive cards or tags with a different Facility Code than you
originally programmed into the reader. The RK-65K can learn
up to 10 different Facility Codes. If it becomes necessary to mix
be sure that the transponder ID numbers are not duplicated.
NOTE: RKxx-01 cards or keytags will not work for the
RK65K. The LED will flash amber to let you
know it is the wrong type of card.
Secura Key ꢀ
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
When the RK-65K is first powered up, the LED will be flashing
Red and Green. Present a card to the unit to set the Facility
Code and the flashing will end in approximately 10 seconds.
and engraved at the factory with a Facility (Site) Code and an
individual card ID number.
You must teach the RK-65K which Facility Code or Codes
(up to 10) it should recognize. You must also enroll the card
ID numbers that will be Valid. The Radio Key® cards and tags
are sequentially numbered, so you can validate a block of
Be sure to make a record of each person who is issued a
transponder along with the ID number of their card or tag.
Secura Key ꢀ4
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Radio Key® Transponders (Key Tags and Cards) are pre-en-
coded and engraved at the factory with unique Transponder ID
numbers. Because these numbers are unique, Facility Codes
(Site Codes) are not required.
Transponder ID Numbers are not pre-programmed into the Radio
Key® 100M; you must add them to the system as described below.
Radio Key® 100M allows you to assign a Transponder to each
User ID Number (1 - 100) for programming purposes. The
User ID Number is associated with the individual person using
the transponder.
Be sure to record the User ID Number, the Transponder
ID Number and the user’s name, and keep this informa-
tion in a secure place. A blank User Log Form has been
included for this purpose. Do not write on this form; use it as
a photocopy master.
Because a new Transponder ID Number can be assigned to
any available User ID Number, the reader always has capac-
ity to store 100 Transponders, even after many Transponders
have been voided from the reader.
Secura Key ꢀ
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Note: The RK-PD1 or the RK-HHP is required to program
the reader. One RK-PD1 or RK-HHP may be used on
several readers.
The RK-PD1 consists of the 16 following cards:
“0” ZERO
“1” ONE
“2” TWO
“4” FOUR
“5” FIVE
“6” SIX
Presenting these cards to the Radio Key® RK-65K is equivalent
to pressing the identically marked keys on the RK-HHP hand-
held programmer. As you present program cards to the unit, it
will chirp to indicate that it has read the card. The next sections
of this manual explain the program card sequences used to
perform the various program functions.
Secura Key ꢀ6
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
To program the Radio Key® RK-65K, you must first enter the
program mode as described in the next section below. Once in
the program mode, the LED will blink amber as an indicator. To
take the unit out of program mode you may select an operating
mode (seepage14)or simply allow 15 seconds to elapsewithout
presenting a program card to the reader.
After you have completed a proper program sequence, the
unit will beep and the LED will flash green to indicate that the
program instruction has been accepted. A red light and a beep
at the end of a programming sequence means that you have
made an error. Refer to the appropriate section, and carefully
re-enter the command in the proper sequence.
NOTE: User ID Number and ID Number Values in
the following examples are for demonstration
purposes only; enter the appropriate values for
your system.
Secura Key ꢀ
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
To Enter Program Mode (RK65K/RK100M):
Using your programmer, enter your password and then press
“ENTER”. (Allnewunitsarepre-programmedwiththepassword
12345.) The LED will flash amber to show that the unit is in
Program Mode. The unit will “time out” and return to Active
(Normal) Mode in 15 seconds if no programming follows.
NOTE: If five incorrect passwords are entered, the unit will
sound an alarm and display a red LED for 30 seconds, then
return to normal mode.
Change your Password (RK65K/RK100M):
Put the unit into the Program mode, if necessary (See above).
Press THRU. Then enter the sequence of digits representing
the desired new password (exactly 5 digits). Then press THRU
again. Repeat the new password. Press ENTER. A green light
and beep means that the Password was changed. Note that
12345 is the default (factory) password; use another number
sequence for best security.
Secura Key ꢀ8
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
(New Password - 54321)
(Re-type New Password - 54321)
Lost or forgotten Password (RK65K/RK100M)
If the password is lost or forgotten, it can be restored to the
factory default (12345). Remove the Radio Key® RK-65K
unit from the wall and disconnect power. With the Data 1 line
(white wire) temporarily connected to the Remote open line
(brown wire), restore power. The factory default (12345) is
now in effect. The LED will flash alternately Red and Green.
While this is occurring, set the Facility Code or Codes in the
reader (see below). Remove power and reconnect the unit for
operation, restore power and remount the unit. This procedure
will NOT delete any transponders from reader’s memory.
Setting Facility Code(s) (RK65K)
Before any cards are added to the RK-65K you must set the
Facility Code or Codes. When a new reader is first powered
up the LED should be flashing alternately Red and Green. This
indicates that the unit is in the “Learn Facility Code” mode.
Secura Key ꢀ
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
You can also place a reader in this mode by entering the
Program Mode (see page 8) then pressing Mode followed by
“9” followed by Enter.
(Mode Number 9)
While the LED is flashing Red/Green present one User
Card for each Facility Code being used to the reader, one
at a time. After you are finished, allow the reader to time
out and return to the Normal Mode before proceeding.
NOTE: An invalid facility code will beep with no LED visible.
Add A Transponder (Key Tag or Card) To The System:
Place the unit in the Program Mode (See Page 8). Press Add,
ID number. Then press Enter. For example, to add transponder
#12 to the reader the following sequence would be followed:
(User ID Number 12)
Transponder number 12 is now valid.
Secura Key ꢀ10
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Add A Series Of Transponders To The System (RK65K):
Place the unit into the Program mode (see Page 8). Press Add,
followed by the sequence of digits representing the lowest
transponder ID number. Then press Thru, followed by the
sequence of digits representing the highest transponder ID
number. Then press Enter. For example, to add transponders
#1 through #10 to the system:
User No. 1)
(Ending User ID
Number 10)
Transponder number 1 through 10 are now valid.
Delete A Transponder From The System (RK65K):
Place the unit in the Program Mode (see Page 8). Press Void,
#12, the following sequence would be presented:
(User ID Number 12)
Transponder #12 is now void.
Secura Key ꢀ 11
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Delete A Series Of Transponders From The System (RK65K):
Place the unit in the Program Mode (see Page 8). Press Void,
followed by the sequence of digits representing the lowest
transponder ID. Then press Thru followed by the sequence of
Enter. For example, to delete transponders #1 through #10:
(Ending User ID
Number 10)
User No. 1)
Transponders #1 through #10 are now void.
Set the Latch Timer (RK65K/RK100M):
Put the unit into the Program mode, (See Page 8). Press SET
Latch Time (0 - 65535 seconds) to the unit. Press ENTER. A
green light and beep means that the Latch Timer setting was
changed. (If you set the Latch Timer for “0” seconds, the actual
latch time will be approximately 0.25 seconds.) For example,
to set the latch timer to 15 seconds, the following sequence
would be followed;
(15 Seconds)
Secura Key ꢀ12
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
For longer latch times it may be easier to set the timer with hour:
minute notation. Press SET TIMER; then press the sequence of
digits representing the number of hours (2 digits); then press the
THRU; then ENTER. (The maximum relay time is 18 hours and
00 minutes.) For example, to set the latch timer for 2 hours and
45 minutes the following sequence would be followed:
(2 Hours, 45 Minutes)
If you have set an extended latch time, but need to interrupt it,
follow this procedure. Put the unit in Program Mode (see Page 8).
Then press Set Timer then “1” then Enter. After the Program
Mode expires, present a valid card to the reader. After one
second the relay will return to it’s normal state. You will then
have to reprogram the latch timer to the desired duration.
Setting the Latch Timer (RK65K/RK100M):
is 1 second but it can be changed to any value from .25 seconds
to 18 hours. If the latch timer is set to 0 seconds, this pulses the
latch relay for 0.25 second, sufficient for most electric turnstiles.
The beeper and LED are always fixed at one second.
Secura Key ꢀ 13
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Set the Operating Mode (RK65K/RK100M):
The RadioKey® RK-65Kmaybeputintoanyoffouroperational
modes. The Modes are as follows;
“1” - Active (Normal) -- LED is Off
“2” - Inactive (Locked) -- LED blinks Red
“3” - Door Unlocked -- LED blinks Green
“4” - Toggle Mode – LED is Off
In mode 1, a valid tag or closure of the remote open input will
activate the relay for the time the latch timer is set.
Mode 2 deactivates the unit. No tag can activate the relay, but
the remote open input will activate the relay.
In mode 3, the door is kept unlocked (the relay is kept latched).
In mode 4, when a valid tag is presented or the remote open
input is activated, the relay changes its state from deactivated
to activated or from activated to deactivated. The relay will stay
in this state until another valid tag is presented or the remote
input is activated and so forth.
Secura Key ꢀ14
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
To set the Operating Mode, put the unit into the Program mode,
(SeePage8). Press MODE, then press either “1” , “2”, “3”, or “4”.
Press ENTER. TheAccess Control Unit will exit Programming
Mode and enter the selected Mode. For example, to set the
unit to the inactive (locked) mode, the following sequence
would be followed;
(Mode Number 2) (ENTER)
To Exit Programming Mode Immediately (RK65K/RK100M):
Press MODE, then “1” (or 2, 3, or 4) card to the unit. Press
ENTER. Thisreturnstheunittotheselectedmodeimmediately,
bypassing the 15 second timeout.
(Mode Number 1) (ENTER)
Timed Antipassback(RK65K)
Timed antipassback is used to discourage card sharing. After
one successful card use, the unit will treat that card as Void
for a preset number of minutes. When timed antipassback is
enabled, it will apply to all valid cards.
Secura Key ꢀ 15
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Enable Timed Antipassback (RK65K):
Place the unit in the Program Mode (see Page 8). Press SET
TIMER, then press ADD, finally press ENTER.
Set Antipassback Timer (RK65K):
Place the unit in the Program Mode (see Page 8). Press SET
TIMER then press THRU. Press the digits representing the
maximum number of minutes you want antipassback to apply
(01 – 99). Press ENTER. (Antipassback can be from one to
ninety-nine minutes. Depending upon the clock cycle of the
unit when a card is read, the actual antipassback time may be
as little as one-half the time selected.)
Disable Timed Antipassback (RK65K):
Place the unit in the Program Mode (see Page 8). Press SET
TIMER then VOID, finally press ENTER.
Secura Key ꢀ16
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Configure the Relay (RK65K/RK100M)
The relay is set at the factory to be normally open and to close
upon presentation of a valid transponder or upon activation of
the remote open (Request to Exit) input. It may be changed to
normally closed or to SecuRelay™ operation. Anormally open
relay is used for a “fail-secure” electric lock or door strike and
to trigger a gate operator. A normally closed relay is used for
“fail-safe” devices such as magnetic locks. The Secura Key
SecuRelay™ (sold separately) is a remote intelligent relay
used to prevent entry when the access control unit is physically
attacked. (NOTE: When placed in the SecuRelay™ mode the
“Remote Open” input is disabled.) To configure the relay, put
the unit in the Program mode (See Page 8). Press THRU two
times. Then press either the “6”, “7” or “8”. Press ENTER.
Selections are:
Normally Open (Factory default)
Normally Closed
SecuRelay™ Option.
For example, to configure the relay normally closed, the
following sequence would be followed:
Secura Key ꢀ 17
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Using the RK-65K as a Wiegand Output Reader (RK65K/RK100M)
The RK-65K can be connected to a multidoor access control
system (such as the Secura Key SK-ACP) using the Wiegand
output. When any Radio Key® transponder is presented to the
unit, whether or not it has been programmed into the unit, the
appropriate transponder ID will be sent out via the white and
green wires.
Program the Input (RK65K/RK100M)
The input is set at the factory as a Remote Open input.
Connecting the brown and the orange wire (usually with a push
button switch) will activate the relay for the time set for the latch
timer. This input may also be configured as an LED control or
as an LED/beeper control. When configured as an LED control,
grounding the brown wire will turn on the Red LED, grounding
the orange wire will turn on the Green LED and grounding the
yellow wire will turn on the beeper.
To configure the input, put the unit into the Program mode,
(See Page 8). Press THRU TWICE. Then press either the “1”
or “2” button. Press ENTER. Selections are:
“1” - Remote Open (Factory default).
“2” - LED Control.
Secura Key ꢀ18
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Forexample, toprogramtheinputforLEDcontrol, thefollowing
sequence would be followed:
(THRU) (Input No. 2)
To use a Key Tag with Radio Key® RK-65K, simply hold your
Radio Key® Transponder near the Radio Key® RK-65K Unit.
The Radio Key® RK-65K Unit generates an RF field, which
causes the Key Tag to transmit a unique Transponder ID
Number back to the Unit.
If the Transponder ID Number is stored in memory, the latch
relay is activated, unlocking the controlled door or gate . A
green light and a beep indicates that access is granted. If the
Transponder ID Number is not stored in memory, the door or
gate remains locked and a red light and beep indicate that
access is denied. Otherwise the LED is normally off.
Secura Key ꢀ 19
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Remote Open (Request to Exit) Input (RK65K/RK100M)
When the Remote open input is activated, the relay will
activate. When the remote open input is deactivated, the relay
will return to the inactive state after the latch timer times out. A
green light and a beep indicates that access is granted.
NOTE: Remote Open Input is disabled when the unit is
configured for use with SecuRelay™.
Secura Key ꢀ20
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
The RK100M has been replaced by the new RK-65K. The
RK100M was designed to read randomly numbered cards and
tags without facility codes (RKCM-01, RKKT-01). The RK100M
unit is only able to enroll up to 100 users. If you need to replace
an existing RK100M, or if you want a reader that uses random
cards and tags, you may convert this product to the RK100M
mode, as shown below.
In the RK100M mode, some programming steps differ from the
RK-65K. The following section also describes those different
program steps.
Converting between RK-65K and RK100M modes:
Place the unit in the Program Mode (seePage8). Press MODE,
followed by “5” (for RK65K mode) or “6” (for RK100M mode).
Press ENTER. (RK-65K mode is the default.)
(For RK65K mode)
(Mode Number 5) (ENTER)
(For RK100M mode)
(Mode Number 6) (ENTER)
Secura Key ꢀ 21
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Radio Key® Transponders (Key Tags and Cards) are pre-
encoded and engraved at the factory with unique Transponder
ID numbers. Because these numbers are unique, Facility
Codes (Site Codes) are not required. The steps for adding
and deleting users is different from the RK-65K. Follow the
directions on the following pages.
Transponder ID Numbers are not pre-programmed into the Radio
Key® 100M; you must add them to the system as described below.
RadioKey® 100MallowsyoutoassignaTransponder toeachUserID
Number (1 - 100) for programming purposes. The User ID Number
is associated with the individual person using the transponder.
Be sure to record the User ID Number, the Transponder ID
Number and the user’s name, and keep this information in a
secure place. A blank User Log Form has been included for
this convenience.
available User ID Number, the reader always has capacity to
store 100 Transponders, even after many Transponders have
been voided from the reader.
Secura Key ꢀ22
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Add a Transponder (Key Tag or Card) to the System:
Put the unit into the Program mode (See Page 8). Press
ADD, then press the sequence of digits representing the
desired User ID Number (1-100), then press ENTER. Hold the
Transponder near the Unit. Agreen light and beep means that
the Transponder was accepted. For example, to program a
transponder into User ID Number 12, the following sequence
would be followed;
(Hold Key Tag or
Card near unit)
(User ID Number 12)
Record the User ID Number and Transponder ID Number.
another transponder was already assigned, the new transponder
will replace the old transponder for that User ID Number.
NOTE: Adding the Same Transponder More Than Once
If you add the same Transponder to the system more than
once, the Transponder ID will be deleted from the previous
User ID Number position and added to the newest User ID
Number position.
Secura Key ꢀ 23
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Add a Transponder by Entering the Transponder ID:
Instead of presenting the transponder, you can also use the
Programmer to enter the Transponder ID number: Put the
unit into the Program mode (See Page 8). Press ADD then
press the sequence of digits representing the desired User ID
Number (1 - 100). Press THRU. Press the sequence of digits
representing the ID number printed on the Transponder, then
press ENTER. For example, to program a Transponder ID
Number 995 into User ID Number 12, the following sequence
would be followed;
(ID Number 995)
(User ID Number 12)
Record the User ID Number and Transponder ID Number in
the User Log Form.
another transponder was already assigned, the new transponder
will replace the old transponder for that User ID Number.
Add a Series of Transponders to the System:
Put the unit into the Program mode (See Page 8). Press ADD,
then press the sequence of digits representing the desired
Secura Key ꢀ 24
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
starting User ID Number to the unit. Press THRU. Then press the
Press THRU, then press ENTER. Present the Transponders to
the reader in the desired order (making a careful record of which
transponders are assigned to which User ID Numbers). If one or
more Transponders are already entered into the User ID Number
range you have selected, they will be overwritten. For example,
to program ten transponders into User ID Numbers 1 through 10,
the following sequence would be presented;
User No. 1)
(Ending User ID
Number 10)
then present the ten transponders to the unit one at a time.
Delete a Transponder from the System:
Put the unit into the Program mode (See Page 8). Press VOID,
then press the sequence of digits representing the desired User
ID Number (1 - 100). Then press ENTER. A green light and
beep means that the Transponder was deleted. For example,
to delete the transponder for User ID Numbers 12, the following
sequence would be executed;
(User ID Number 12)
Secura Key ꢀ 25
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Delete a Range of Transponders from System:
Put the unit into the Program mode (See Page 8). Press VOID,
then press the sequence of digits representing the desired
startingUserIDNumber. PressTHRU, thenpressthesequence
of digits representing the desired ending User ID Number.
Finally, press ENTER. A green light and beep mean that the
range of Transponders was deleted.
(Starting User
No. 1)
(Ending User ID
Number 10)
Delete a Transponder by Presenting to Reader:
Put the unit into the Program mode (See Page 8). Press VOID,
then press ENTER. Hold the Transponder near the Radio Key®
100M Unit.Agreen light and beep means that the Transponder
was deleted.
(Hold Key Tag near Unit)
Secura Key ꢀ 26
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Delete a Transponder by Entering Transponder ID:
Put the unit into the Program mode (See Page 8). Press VOID.
Press THRU, then press the sequence of digits representing
the ID number printed on the Transponder. Finally, press
ENTER. A green light and beep means that the transponder
was deleted. For example, to delete Transponder ID Number
995, the following sequence would be followed;
(ID Number 995)
Secura Key ꢀ 27
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
WARRANTY (U.S. and Canadian)
“This product is warranted against defects in materials
and workmanship for life. Secura Key shall, at its option,
either replace or repair this product, if returned to us freight
prepaid within the warranty period. This warranty does
not include freight, taxes, duties, or installation expenses
PURPOSE. The remedies provided herein are the buyers’sole
and exclusive remedies. In no event shall Secura Key be liable
for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages
(including loss of profits), whether based on contract, tort or
any other legal theory.” Contact Secura Key for Card/Tag and
Export Warranty Policies.
Secura Key ꢀ 28
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
0.60” (1.52 cm)
1.60” (4.06 cm)
3.50” (8.89 cm)
0.84” (2.13 cm)
3.20” (8.12 cm)
4.50 (11.43 cm)
2.88 oz. (81.65 gm) 6.67 oz. (189.15 gm)
Power Requirements 5-14 VDC, 90 mA Max., 40 mA Idle
Wiegand Output
Any Wiegand Format up to 40 bits
Maximum Distance: 500 Ft.- 5 or 6 conductor 20 gauge
shielded cable
SPST Solid State Relay, 1A max. @60 VAC or DC.
Normally open or normally closed (field programmable).
May also be used with SecuRelayTM intelligent relay
module (sold separately).
Programmable as Remote Open (requires contact closure);
Bicolor (Red or Green) LED Control or Buzzer/LED Control
Secura Key ꢀ 29
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
Ambient Temperature
-40° to +70° C (-40° to +158° F)
0% to 100% (non-condensing)
Reading Distance
Molded Card: Up to 6” (15.24 cm)
Key tag & ISO Card: Up to 5” (12.70 cm)
User Capacity
RK-65K: 65,000 key tags or cards (26 or 32 bit),
10 Facility Codes
RK-100M mode: 100 tags/cards (random numbered only)
Card/Key Tag Operation Passive
Transmit Frequency
125 kHz
Latch Timer
0.25 sec. to 18 hours or Toggle Mode
Hand-held Programmer
Proximity Programming Deck
RK600-PS 9VDC, 200 mA, plug-in Power Supply,
120 VAC Input. For Access Unit Only.
SecuRelayTM - Smart relay module, DPDT.
This product complies with UL 294 Standards, with Part 15,
Class B FCC Rules and (European Standards).
Secura Key ꢀ 30
Radio Key® RK-65K
Operating Guide
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
harmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications. However,thereisnoguaranteethat
interferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation. Ifthisequipmentdoescause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more or the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet of a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This equipment has been certified to comply with the limits for a class B
computing device, pursuant to FCC Rules. In order to maintain compliance
with FCC regulations, shielded cables must be used with this equipment.
Operation with non-approved equipment or unshielded cables is likely to
result in interference to radio and TV reception. The user is cautioned that
changes and modifications made to the equipment without the approval of
the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Secura Key ꢀ 31
A Division of Soundcraft, Inc.
20301 Nordhoff Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
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