IC Compiler Installation Notes
Version A-2007.12
December 10, 2007
These installation notes present installing IC Compiler version A-2007.12 in the following
The installation instructions in this chapter are the most up-to-date available at the time
of production. However, changes might have occurred. For the latest installation
information, see the product release notes or documentation.
Copyright © 2007 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. See
http://www.synopsys.com/copyright.html for additional terms and conditions.
Installing the Software
IC Compiler uses the Synopsys Installer tool, which allows you to use a text script or a
graphical user interface (GUI). For information about downloading the Synopsys Installer,
To install IC Compiler, follow the procedures described in Installing Synopsys Tools. This
document provides a Synopsys media installation script. IC Compiler is installed in a similar
IC Compiler is a stand-alone product and cannot be installed over an existing Synopsys
product, including a prior version of IC Compiler. You must create a new directory for IC
Setting Up the User Environment
To set up the user environment, you must specify the location of the executable file and set
the license environment variable.
Specifying the Executable File Location
A platform-independent wrapper script is provided for the IC Compiler tool. This script
automatically determines the operating system platform at runtime, which simplifies the
setup required to use IC Compiler.
The platform-independent wrappers are located at
icc_root/bin and include the following new options:
If you select an executable file that is not available, you will automatically be switched to
an available platform based on your current environment. A warning message will not be
To set up the environment by using platform-independent wrappers, add the IC Compiler bin
directory to the PATHenvironment variable.
If you are using the C shell, add the following line to the .cshrc file:
set path=(icc_root/bin $path)
Installing the Software
If you are using the Bourne, Korn, or Bash shell, add the following line to the .profile, .bashrc,
or .kshrc file:
export PATH
Replace icc_root with the IC Compiler root directory.
Environment Variable
You must install the SCL software and define the SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILEvariable before
you can verify the IC Compiler installation.
For information about downloading SCL installing SCL, or setting the license variable, see
Configuring the Browser for Online Help
The online Help system is a browser-based HTML Help system designed for viewing in the
Firefox and Mozilla Web browsers. You can use any of the following browsers:
• Firefox version 1.5 or 2.0
• Mozilla version 1.7
Although online Help might work in Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later, it is not tested in
this browser.
When you use online Help from within the GUI, the directory containing the browser
executable file must be in the search path specified by your UNIX or Linux $PATH variable.
The default browser is Firefox. To use a different browser, change the
gui_online_browservariable in your [.synopsys_icc_gui.tcl | .synopsys_dv_gui.tcl]
setup file. You can also change the browser for the current session by setting this variable
from within the GUI. For example
set gui_online_browser “mozilla”
The choices are firefoxor mozilla.
IC Compiler Installation Notes Version A-2007.12 December 10, 2007
Verifying the IC Compiler Installation
To verify the IC Compiler installation,
1. Make sure you are in a directory where you have read/write privileges.
% cd $HOME
2. Invoke the tool by entering one of the following commands on a licensed machine:
% icc_root/platform/syn/bin/icc_shell -gui (GUI mode)
% icc_root/platform/syn/bin/icc_shell (shell mode)
Replace icc_root with the IC Compiler root directory and platform with the appropriate
If you see information about the product version, production date, and copyright, the
installation was successful.
Verifying the IC Compiler Installation
IC Compiler Installation Notes Version A-2007.12 December 10, 2007
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